Product ranking discrepancies after fixing market errors.


I first posted this problem to service desk, but they were not very helpful as usual.

I have seen that they finally fixed the reviews as 5 stars errors from last week, but there is still one big problem that did not get fixed. Previously one of my indicators was on most popular top 5 pages in the market. Sometimes on page 2 or 3 sometimes page 4 or 5, but almost always within the top 5. Then after the errors from last week it went down to page 60 and then after they fixed the reviews and ratings errors my indicator was moved to page 17.

Why did it not move back to within the top 5 pages like it was before the errors they had? I don't understand why it dropped from top pages of most popular to page 17? I see some products on page 1 and 2 and 3 that have less reviews, less downloads and less purchases than my product so I don't understand why my product is ranking so bad since they fixed the errors?

Can someone explain this? Service desk says there is no error with the ranking, but clearly there is.

Theoretically speaking, it may be because of two possible reasons:

  • read this small thread with the post of admin (about anti-fake review robot machine),
  • the other possible reason is the following (it is the post from MQ):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Shaw, again?

Renat Fatkhullin , 2020.10.21 21:32

We are actively changing the issue of the market and testing different options. One of the tasks to be solved is mixing new products into the top so that top is not monopolized.

For another couple of weeks, we will be doing A / B tests and checking the results.

Product page showing zero votes now
Product page showing zero votes now
  • 2020.07.17
Hi guys, Do you maybe know why this could be happening...
Sergey Golubev:

Theoretically speaking, it may be because of two possible reasons:

  • read this small thread with the post of admin (about anti-fake review robot machine),
  • the other possible reason is the following (it is the post from MQ):

Thank you I have read that and yes the reviews and stars have been returned to normal, but not the products position in the rankings in the market. It is quite a large jump for a product that was in the top 5 pages to drop to page 17 after the market was having these problems last week.

I hope mql5 can restore the previous rankings cos as a developer we work very hard for our products to be noticed in a market of over 7000 indicators. And this only happened after last weeks problems so there is something still wrong.