Product page showing zero votes now

Hi guys,

Do you maybe know why this could be happening?

When you click on a seller profile and then products, you should be able to see products that have received reviews/votes. Mine is now 0 even if I have votes on a few products and the yellow stars have shown before and are now not showing anymore. Can someone please advise why my votes are not showing anymore or are now 0? Or is it only me seeing this?

Hello Natasha .

from the admins : 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Product Review Issues

Alexey Petrov, 2020.07.17 14:42

This is not an error.

Recently we introduced a new automated system that hides reviews from accounts that it found suspicious. To prevent further questions, we are not providing any details on how it detects that.

Lorentzos Roussos:

Hello Natasha .

from the admins : 

(the text in the dots is from the admins ,all else are assumptions)

Its a new automated system according to the admins.

We dont know if its contestable yet. 

We dont know if it affects future reviews.

We will know more on Monday probably -when its effects might be more widespread (my hypothesis)

You should wait and see.

From what i understand even if you see some stars in your reviews ,other users see blank review comments (nothing) and no stars at all.Just a name and a date.

Thanks for this info Lorentzos.