New comer need some help.



I have no programing background and have just started learning coding mt4 indicators. 

I'm practicing with this indicator and have cleared all errors,  but it is still not working.

Can anyone have a look for me. I should have made some rookie mistakes.

Greatly appreciated.


KELI LI: Can anyone have a look for me. I should have made some rookie mistakes.
     double   per_cent[];
      per_cent[i] = leg * iATR(Symbol(),0,14,i); 

Had you looked in Expert tab, you will see array exceeded.

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William Roeder:

Had you looked in Expert tab, you will see array exceeded.

Yes I noticed now, it seems there is a lot for me to understand before I can make this work.

I've tried many ways to overcome this, however even after I disabled  "#property strict", My code is not working.

Would you mind providing some advice for the following two scenarios?

Scenario One: I have the following code, and the questions is, how come it wont plot open price? I tested few times and found that I can plot the open price once I replace the second last line as  YYY[i] = open[i];

double   YYY[];

double   last_pivot[];

double   reverse_range;

int OnInit()






int OnCalculate package


   int limit = rates_total - prev_calculated;

   if(prev_calculated > 0)


   for (int i=limit-1; i>=0; i--) // (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) //(int i=limit-1; i>=0; i--)


last_pivot[i] = open[1];

reverse_range = last_pivot[i] ; 

YYY[i] = last_pivot[i];



Scenario Two: if I want to have an array "last_pivot[i]" be calculated based on its last value "last_pivot[i+1]" will the following code work? if not how can make it work?

int OnCalculate package


   int limit = rates_total - prev_calculated;

   if(prev_calculated > 0)


   for (int i=limit-1; i>=0; i--) // (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) //(int i=limit-1; i>=0; i--)


      last_pivot[i] = last_pivot[i+1] == NULL ? Open[i] : last_pivot[i+1] + 1 ;   // if last_pivot[i+1] does not exist,  "last_pivot[i] = open", otherwise  "last_pivot[i] = last_pivot[i+1]"

Greatly appreciated

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