I want to create a button To the hot key triggers

I want to create a button To the hot key triggers 
How to write code? 

For example, click left on A button, then show input parameter ea (F7).

Thank you. 

I want to create a button To the hot key triggers 
How to write code? 

For example, click left on A button, then show input parameter ea (F7).

Thank you. 

Hello verovero, for custom graphical controls using MQL5 language, please take a look at this article.


I want to create a button To the hot key triggers 
How to write code? 

For example, click left on A button, then show input parameter ea (F7).

Thank you. 

Not possible with mql5 only, you need to use Winapi for that (show input parameters window).

Thank you sir. 

I'm finish.

This's my code.

#include <WinUser32.mqh>

     if(clickedChartObject=="ObjectName") keybd_event(118,0,0,0); // F7