Cap RAM Usage in MT5?

When doing optimization backtests in MT5 it uses all of my available RAM and basically freezes my PC until the test is finished. Is it possible to set a cap/limit on the amount of RAM MT5 can use when doing a backtest either in windows or in MT5 itself?
How to Cap RAM Usage in MT5?
How to Cap RAM Usage in MT5?
  • 2020.10.17
When doing optimization backtests in MT5 it uses all of my available RAM and basically freezes my PC until the test is finished...

Why limit RAM?

If you launch other processes during a BT you will lengthen the duration of the BT.
When doing optimization backtests in MT5 it uses all of my available RAM and basically freezes my PC until the test is finished. Is it possible to set a cap/limit on the amount of RAM MT5 can use when doing a backtest either in windows or in MT5 itself?
Yes. Don't run BT on too long periods if you're using a low-end computer