Strategy Tester Visualizer cannot scroll horizontally - it scrolls a little and goes back



Starting a few days ago I started experiencing this issue. If I am using the strategy tester, I cannot scroll horizontally across time, if I try to scroll to the left to see the past behavior it will automatically scroll back to the right. I can see the ticks are there but it's as if the software was auto scrolling to the right at the same time.

Mind you this is the Strategy Tester Visualizer and it is paused. It's as if I am seeing a real time chart that is set to automatically scroll.

What can I do to solve this? This is really frustrating and hinders me from efficiently performing some analysis I need to.




We don't need multiple topics with the same issue.

Please do not make any more posts here, post in the other topic.

Build 2622 24Sep2020 - Strategy Tester Visualization do not allow move chart backwards
Build 2622 24Sep2020 - Strategy Tester Visualization do not allow move chart backwards
  • 2020.09.27
Hello, I would like to know if this is also happening to you guys...