How do I put a text beside my horizontal line? - page 2


If you read the documentation..

bool  ObjectCreate( 
   long          chart_id,      // chart ID 
   string        object_name,   // object name 
   ENUM_OBJECT   object_type,   // object type 
   int           sub_window,    // window index 
   datetime      time1,         // time of the first anchor point 
   double        price1,        // price of the first anchor point 
   datetime      timeN=0,       // time of the N-th anchor point 
   double        priceN=0       // price of the N-th anchor point 

How on Earth did you manage to come up with

ObjectCreate("Pivot", OBJ_TEXT,)


ObjectSetString("Pivot", ObjectSetInterger())

you didn't get that from reading the documentation.

Honestly, creating and modifying objects in MQL4 is probably the most simple coding that there is to do.