Rectangle price coordinates in MQL5

Hello everyone, please i would like to know how we get the 2 coordinate prices of a rectangle in MQL5. In MQL4, we have OBJPROP_PRICE1 and OBJPROP_PRICE2 for the 2 prices levels, same for the prices. But in MQL5, there's just OBJPROP_PRICE same for the time. I want to use the GetDouble but don't what precept 'll take
Bryan Djoufack Nguessong:
Hello everyone, please i would like to know how we get the 2 coordinate prices of a rectangle in MQL5. In MQL4, we have OBJPROP_PRICE1 and OBJPROP_PRICE2 for the 2 prices levels, same for the prices. But in MQL5, there's just OBJPROP_PRICE same for the time. I want to use the GetDouble but don't what precept 'll take

MQL5 Reference:  ObjectGetDouble

double  ObjectGetDouble(
   long                            chart_id,          // chart identifier
   string                          name,              // object name
   ENUM_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOUBLE     prop_id,           // property identifier
   int                             prop_modifier=0    // property modifier, if required

Object Properties



Time coordinate

datetime   modifier=number of anchor point



Price coordinate

double    modifier=number of anchor point

Documentation on MQL5: Object Functions / ObjectGetDouble
Documentation on MQL5: Object Functions / ObjectGetDouble
The function returns the value of the corresponding object property. The object property must be of the double type. There are 2 variants of the function. [in]  Modifier of the specified property. For the first variant, the default modifier value is equal to 0. Most properties do not require a modifier.  It denotes the number of the level in...
Thanks man