Problem : function must have a body

First of all hello everyone

I'll keep getting the same error message in the code I gave you below.

I'd appreciate it if you'd help.

//|                                                       Update.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
         double      x[]  =  {10,20,30,40,50}   ;
         double      y[]  =  {11,22,33,44,55}   ; 
         arList      *Test = new arList(x,y);
         for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(Test.kademe);i++)
                  Print("index : " ,i, "  kademe : " ,Test.kademe[i] ,  "  step  :  ",Test.step[i]);

         genel *genelim = new genel("EURUSD",x,y);  

class arList
               double      kademe[]    ;
               double      step[]      ;
                              void  arList();
                              void  arList(const double &Kademe[],const double &Step[]);
  void   arList::arList(const double &Kademe[], const double &Step[])
               int size    =     ArraySize(Kademe)    ;

               ArrayCopy(kademe,Kademe)               ;
               ArrayCopy(step,Step)                   ;
class genel :  arList
            string   parite      ;
            int      adet        ;
            arList   *xlist      ;      ;
                        void  genel(string Parite,double &x[],double &y[]);      
     void genel::genel(string Parite,double &x[],double &y[])
            xlist          =  new arList(x,y);
            this.adet      =  ArraySize(x);     
            Print("Parite Adı : " , parite," Toplam Kayıt   :  ", adet);
            for(int i=0;i<adet;i++)
                     Print("Index   :  ", i , " Kademe : ", xlist.kademe[i] , "  Step : " ,xlist.step[i] );
Ümit Terzi: I'll keep getting the same error message in the code I gave you below.

                              void  arList();


You said there are two functions but never provided their code.

William Roeder:

You said there are two functions but never provided their code.

What do you think is the solution?
Ümit Terzi: What do you think is the solution?
  1. Provide their code.
  2. Or, stop declaring nonexistent functions / methods / constructors.