You messed something up with the pictures: in the code you are looking for POSITIONS, and in the picture there is an error for a POSTPONED ORDER.
It is not yet clear what exactly you need.
I changed the code, but I recived this error:
S 0 16:11:15.426 CUXeyFLY (WINV20,M1) 2020.09.01 09:13:03 CTrade::OrderSend: modify WINV20 (sl: 100785, tp: 0) [done]
KQ 0 16:11:15.426 CUXeyFLY (WINV20,M1) 2020.09.01 09:13:03 CTrade::OrderTypeCheck: Invalid order type
HD 0 16:11:15.426 CUXeyFLY (WINV20,M1) 2020.09.01 09:13:03 100735.0Ordem de TRAILING Venda - com falha. ResultRetcode: 10035, RetcodeDescription: invalid order
need to set it only with profit positions and for example I like to set it at 15 point and set Steps with 10 Points, In this case Entry sell 100735 and I like the trailing stop below this value 100720
void OnTick() { CopyRates(Symbol(),Period(),0,3,rates); ulong PositionTicket = OrderGetTicket ( ORDER_MAGIC ); //END POSITION -------------- MqlDateTime dt; TimeCurrent(dt); if(dt.sec == 59){ endpos(); } //----------------- if(!SymbolInfoTick(Symbol(),ultimoTick)) { Alert("Erro ao obter informações de Preços: ", GetLastError()); return; } if(CopyRates(_Symbol, _Period, 0, 3, rates)<0) { Alert("Erro ao obter as informações de MqlRates: ", GetLastError()); return; } /* if(CopyBuffer(smaHandle, 0, 0, 3, smaArray)<0) { Alert("Erro ao copiar dados da média móvel: ", GetLastError()); return; }*/ posAberta = false; for(int i = PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { string symbol = PositionGetSymbol(i); ulong magic = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); if(symbol == _Symbol && magic == magicNum) { posAberta = true; break; } } ordPendente = false; for(int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { ulong ticket = OrderGetTicket(i); string symbol = OrderGetString(ORDER_SYMBOL); ulong magic = OrderGetInteger(ORDER_MAGIC); if(symbol == _Symbol && magic == magicNum) { ordPendente = true; break; } } if(!posAberta) { beAtivo = false; } /* if(posAberta && !beAtivo) { BreakEven(ultimoTick.last); }*/ if(posAberta) /*&& beAtivo)*/ { Trailingg(ultimoTick.last); } //--- Getting data for calculations if(!GetIndValue()) return; //COMPRA ---------------------------------------------------- if(corr[0]<-Inp_KeyLevel && !posAberta && !ordPendente) { PendingOrderDelete(); PRC = NormalizeDouble(ultimoTick.ask, _Digits); STL = NormalizeDouble(rates[1].low-5 /*PRC - stopLoss*/, _Digits); TKP = NormalizeDouble(PRC + takeProfit, _Digits); if(trade.BuyStop(lote, rates[1].high+5,_Symbol, /*PRC,*/ 0, 0/* ""*/)) { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Compra - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Compra - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } // MODIFICANDO COMPRA --------------------------------------- else if(corr[0]<-Inp_KeyLevel && !posAberta && ordPendente) { PendingOrderDelete(); PRC = NormalizeDouble(ultimoTick.ask, _Digits); STL = NormalizeDouble(rates[1].high+5 /*PRC - stopLoss*/, _Digits); TKP = NormalizeDouble(PRC + takeProfit, _Digits); if(trade.BuyStop(lote, rates[1].high+5,_Symbol, /*PRC,*/ 0, 0/* ""*/)) /*if(trade.OrderModify(PositionTicket, rates[1].high, /*PRC,*/ //STL, TKP,ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME/* ""*/)) { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Compra - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Compra - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } // TRAILING COMPRA --------------------------------------- /* else if(posAberta && ordPendente) { PendingOrderDelete(); PRC = NormalizeDouble(ultimoTick.ask, _Digits); STL = NormalizeDouble(rates[1].high+5 /*PRC - stopLoss*//*,/* _Digits); /* TKP = NormalizeDouble(PRC + takeProfit, _Digits); /* if(trade.Buy(lote, rates[1].high+5,_Symbol, /*PRC,*/ /*STL, TKP/* ""*//*)) /*if(trade.OrderModify(PositionTicket, rates[1].high, /*PRC,*/ //STL, TKP,ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME/* ""*/)) /* { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Compra - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Compra - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } }*/ //------------------VENDA---------------------------------------------------- if(corr[0]>Inp_KeyLevel && !posAberta && !ordPendente) { PendingOrderDelete(); PRC = NormalizeDouble(, _Digits); STL = NormalizeDouble(rates[1].low-5 /*PRC - stopLoss*/, _Digits); TKP = NormalizeDouble(PRC + takeProfit, _Digits); if(trade.SellStop(lote, rates[1].low-5,_Symbol, /*PRC,*/ 0, 0/* ""*/)) { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Venda - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Venda - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } //-------------- MODIFICANDO VENDA --------------------------------------- else if(corr[0]>Inp_KeyLevel && !posAberta && ordPendente) { PendingOrderDelete(); PRC = NormalizeDouble(, _Digits); STL = NormalizeDouble(rates[1].low-5 /*PRC - stopLoss*/, _Digits); TKP = NormalizeDouble(PRC + takeProfit, _Digits); if(trade.SellStop(lote, rates[1].low-5,_Symbol, /*PRC,*/ 0, 0/* ""*/)) /*if(trade.OrderModify(PositionTicket, rates[1].high, /*PRC,*/ //STL, TKP,ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME/* ""*/)) { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Venda - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print(PRC,"Ordem de Venda - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } //------------------TRALING VENDA---------------------------------------------------- else if( posAberta) { PendingOrderDelete(); PRC = NormalizeDouble(, _Digits); STL = NormalizeDouble(rates[1].low-5 /*PRC - stopLoss*/, _Digits); TKP = NormalizeDouble(PRC + takeProfit, _Digits); if(trade.Sell(lote, PRC,_Symbol, /*PRC,*/ 0, 0/* ""*/)) { Print(PRC,"Ordem de TRAILING Venda - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print(PRC,"Ordem de TRAILING Venda - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } //-------------- --------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------ } //---VOID AND BOOLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Buy conditions | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool BuySignal() { bool res=false; if(Inp_Strategy_type==1) res=(corr[0]<-Inp_KeyLevel)?true:false; else if(Inp_Strategy_type==2) res=(corr[0]<-Inp_KeyLevel)?true:false; return res; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Sell conditions | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SellSignal() { bool res=false; if(Inp_Strategy_type==1) res=(corr[0]>Inp_KeyLevel)?true:false; else if(Inp_Strategy_type==2) res=(corr[0]>Inp_KeyLevel)?true:false; return res; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Getting the current values of indicators | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool GetIndValue() { return(CopyBuffer(InpInd_Handle,0,0,2,corr)<=0)?false:true; } //---TRAILING------------------------------- /*void TrailingStop(double preco) { for(int i = PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { string symbol = PositionGetSymbol(i); ulong magic = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); if(symbol == _Symbol && magic==magicNum) { ulong PositionTicket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET); double StopLossCorrente = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); double PrecoEntrada = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN); double TakeProfitCorrente = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP); if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_BUY) { if(preco >= (PrecoEntrada + gatilhoTS) ) { double novoSL = NormalizeDouble(PositionTicket + stepTS, _Digits); if(trade.PositionModify(PrecoEntrada, novoSL, TakeProfitCorrente)) { Print("TrailingStop - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print("TrailingStop - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } } else if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_SELL) { if(preco <= (StopLossCorrente - gatilhoTS) ) { double novoSL = NormalizeDouble(StopLossCorrente - stepTS, _Digits); if(trade.PositionModify(PositionTicket, novoSL, TakeProfitCorrente)) { Print("TrailingStop - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } else { Print("TrailingStop - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } } } } } */ //|TRAILING 2 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Trailingg(double preco) { for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1;i>=0;i--) // returns the number of open positions if(m_position.SelectByIndex(i)) // selects the position by index for further access to its properties if(m_position.Symbol()==Symbol()) { if(m_position.Profit()>0.0) break; //--- long digits=SymbolInfoInteger(m_position.Symbol(),SYMBOL_DIGITS); double point=SymbolInfoDouble(m_position.Symbol(),SYMBOL_POINT); //--- tuning for 3 or 5 digits int digits_adjust=1; if(digits==5 || digits==5) digits_adjust=10; double m_adjusted_point=NormalizeDouble(point*digits_adjust,_Digits); //--- if(m_position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) { if(m_position.PriceCurrent()-(TrailingStop-TrailingStep)*5/*m_adjusted_point*/>m_position.StopLoss()) { //--- save Magic Number for the position m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(m_position.Magic()); m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(), m_position.PriceCurrent()+TrailingStop*5/*m_adjusted_point*/, m_position.TakeProfit()); Print("Trailing de posicao comprada: "); } } if(m_position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) { double sl=0.0; if(m_position.StopLoss()>0) { if(m_position.PriceCurrent()+(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*5/*m_adjusted_point*/<m_position.StopLoss()) { sl=m_position.PriceCurrent()-TrailingStop*m_adjusted_point; //--- save Magic Number for the position m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(m_position.Magic()); m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(),sl,m_position.TakeProfit()); Print("Trailing de posicao vendida: "); } } else { sl=m_position.PriceCurrent()+TrailingStep*5/*m_adjusted_point*/; //--- save Magic Number for the position m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(m_position.Magic()); m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(),sl,m_position.TakeProfit()); } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---END POSITION------------------ void endpos() { for(int i=0; i< OrdersTotal();i++) { ulong orderTicket = OrderSelect(i); trade.OrderDelete(orderTicket); } } //---CLOSE ALL POSITION void PendingOrderDelete() { int o_total=OrdersTotal(); for(int j=o_total-1; j>=0; j--) { ulong o_ticket = OrderGetTicket(j); if(o_ticket != 0) { // delete the pending order trade.OrderDelete(o_ticket); Print("Ordens não realizadas foram excluídas."); } } } //-----------BREAKEVEN----------------------------- void BreakEven(double preco) { for(int i = PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { string symbol = PositionGetSymbol(i); ulong magic = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); if(symbol == _Symbol && magic == magicNum) { ulong PositionTicket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET); double PrecoEntrada = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN); double TakeProfitCorrente = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP); if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_BUY) { if( preco > (PrecoEntrada + gatilhoBE) ) { if(trade.PositionModify(PositionTicket, PrecoEntrada, TakeProfitCorrente)) { Print("BreakEven - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); beAtivo = true; } else { Print("BreakEven - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } } else if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_SELL) { if( preco < (PrecoEntrada - gatilhoBE) ) { if(trade.PositionModify(PositionTicket, PrecoEntrada, TakeProfitCorrente)) { Print("BreakEven - sem falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); beAtivo = true; } else { Print("BreakEven - com falha. ResultRetcode: ", trade.ResultRetcode(), ", RetcodeDescription: ", trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); } } } } } }
Você bagunçou alguma coisa com as imagens: no código você está procurando POSIÇÕES, e na imagem há um erro de PEDIDO ADIADO.
Ainda não está claro o que exatamente você precisa.
I need to set it only with profit positions and for example I like to set it at 15 point and set Steps with 10 Points, In this case Entry sell 100735 and I like the trailing stop below this value 100720 .
I changed the code (last message) but the trailling don´t work correctaly.
I´m very confused.
I need to set it only with profit positions and for example I like to set it at 15 point and set Steps with 10 Points, In this case Entry sell 100735 and I like the trailing stop below this value 100720 .
I changed the code (last message) but the trailling don´t work correctaly.
I´m very confused.
Please decide: do you want to modify a POSITION or do you want to modify a PENDED ORDER? There is a lot of unnecessary garbage in your code. You need to decide (POSITION or POSTED ORDER) and start writing from scratch - gradually add the correct functions.
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I have a problem with my trailing stop.
Didn´t work!
I need to set it only with profit positions and for example I like to set it at 15 point and set Steps with 10 Points.
Anyone help Me?
I think this problem is :