Metatrader 5 Installation Proxy - page 2


I had the same problem and the solution I found was:

Open System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies > 

Enable the first box: Auto Proxy Discovery

Enable the second box: "Automatic Proxy Configuration" and fill the box "Proxy Configuration File" with the URL provided by your internet provider. 

Enable the box: "Exclude Simple Hostnames"

Fill the box "Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts and Domains" with as much information about your Trading Broker and Metatrader. Like:  * , *, *, *, *, 

And also, make sure you are using the last Updated Wine version. It worked for me.


Hi rafaelrosa,

How do I get the "Proxy Configuration File" URL? Do I have to call my ISP and request it from them?

Thank you!