I lost the ratings of my products in "Market" - why?


Hi everyone,

Can anybody tell me how it is possible that the products I offer as a seller lost their rating (yellow marked 5-star system)?





No idea from anybody? I mean I suddenly "lost" the yellow-marked stars within my customers' rating:

Any suggestion how to solve the issue?

Please use the search function there are numerous topics about this event.

Thanks Marco for your response.

I already used said search function but found nothing that explains my issues exactly. However I have an assumption:

I initially offered my product for free (for more than 2 years) and received several good reviews within said time span - of course without ever "forcing" anybody to give a 5-star rating. I then decided to set my product to "paid" and all said reviews stayed accepted/valid. However a few weeks ago suddenly the 5-star-rating got cancelled. Is this due to a new rule that reviews received within a "freeware offering" don't qualify for paid products anymore?




Among other factors involved.

If your product is worth five stars you do not have to worry about it because you will be back to that score in no time.