Seven habits of a successful trader.


Responsibility to take your own risk:


For the success full trader take  every risk every decision on his own responsibility to all time. you will never meet a successful trader who is looking to blame someone. you see, when you accept 100%,no question asked responsibility for all your action you close the door to excuses behind you. you are going to learn and never repeat those mistake .a vital component of any wining trader. Accept total and utter responsibility for every trade you take from today and you will be amazed at how easy trading really is.

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Seven habits of a successful trader.


Responsibility to take your own risk:


For the success full trader take  every risk every decision on his own responsibility to all time. you will never meet a successful trader who is looking to blame someone. you see, when you accept 100%,no question asked responsibility for all your action you close the door to excuses behind you. you are going to learn and never repeat those mistake .a vital component of any wining trader. Accept total and utter responsibility for every trade you take from today and you will be amazed at how easy trading really is.

Next post coming soon…..

Yes you are right. A successful trader must always take the courage to trade by his own derived mathematical trading calculation & he will have none to blame.
any one who want to be successful in forex must accept is mistake
I would like to add one more, to be successful in trading one must overcome fears.



You should never predict the behavior of the market !