to Community tab in Metatrader?
- use your forum login (your login is mshalev) and your forum password to connect;
- check Internet Explorer which should be the latest version installed on your PC (I am having version 11);
- make sure that you are using the latest build of Metatrader,
- make sure that your password is less than 10 characters (if your password is 10 or more characters - change this password; read this thread for information),
- if you registered to this mql5 forum using google or facebook or use this link to change your password (or read this thread).

Issue in MT5 Storage/Cloud Protector/Community
- 2020.07.02
When trying to Utilize Cloud Protector i am getting "Incorrect Login/Password" in the Journal .Login + Pass are correct...
Did all above but still something went wrong, When i'm looking at the "Purchased" tab I saw the EA I rented but it doesn't work the seller told me probably it's when i'm not logged in. I deleted "Community" folder also but still doesn't work.
Did all above but still something went wrong, When i'm looking at the "Purchased" tab I saw the EA I rented but it doesn't work the seller told me probably it's when i'm not logged in. I deleted "Community" folder also but still doesn't work.
Did all above but still something went wrong, When i'm looking at the "Purchased" tab I saw the EA I rented but it doesn't work the seller told me probably it's when i'm not logged in. I deleted "Community" folder also but still doesn't work.
No one knows what you did and what you did not sorry.
It means that you should create the reason by yourself.
This is one post where I collected all possible reasons and everything about how to fix it -
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
I cant install the purchased EA in MT5 platform
Sergey Golubev, 2020.05.21 13:36
Make sure -
- that you have Internet Explorer the latest version installed on your PC (I am having version 11);
- that you are using the latest build of Metatrader,
- that you are login to Community folder using your login (denniscoolin2000-yahoo) - not your email.
- that your password is less than 10 characters (if your password is 10 or more characters - change this password; read this thread for information).

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Can't connect to my account in MT4 community.