Values from iAligator


Fellow Enthusiats:  How do you get programmatically:  the current values for Jaw, Teeth and lips for iAlligator?  Thanks.


Just risk a look into the documentation :)

Either from here or put the cursor on iAligator and press F1 - that simple :)


Fellow Enthusiats:  How do you get programmatically:  the current values for Jaw, Teeth and lips for iAlligator?  Thanks.

Code: iAlligator Intersection

//| Search trading signals                                           |
bool SearchTradingSignals(void)
   if(m_prev_bars==m_last_deal_in) // on one bar - only one deal
   double jaw[],teeth[],lips[];
   MqlRates rates[];
   int start_pos=0,count=3;
   if(!iGetArray(handle_iAlligator,GATORJAW_LINE,start_pos,count,jaw) ||
      !iGetArray(handle_iAlligator,GATORTEETH_LINE,start_pos,count,teeth) ||
      !iGetArray(handle_iAlligator,GATORLIPS_LINE,start_pos,count,lips) ||


If you didn't know the answer, just say so.  Being nasty shows more of your IQ than anything else. Frankly, you must be unemployed, because if you were rich you wouldn't waste your time hangin around sites like this, but would be livin the good ole life in Monaco.
Keep cool :)

some creatures bark, some purr and others taste bitter.

nevertheless they keep the neighbourhood crowded.

Some forum members keep answer templates and are light-handed in spreading their love across any topocs to anyone in the forum.

Nothing personal. :)

Good luck and keep coding.

I do know the answer. And had you bothered to click on the link provided, you would know also.

Three consecutive insults have put you on my do not help list. Live in ignorance.