Memory efficiency with array trickery/ simulations - page 2

nicholish en:
This all seems like one big X Y problem...

"This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help."

I clearly said it was clearly worth it for myself; how can I compare what I know with what MQL Forums knows?

Anyone in my situation whos into MQL should ask the same thing; you can't be forum afraid in MQL as this computer language is more of a secret oral tradition than a working computer language; thing barely works; mql4 tester doesnt work (dont want to see a system paladin answer) and I really dont mind anyones opinion as mine wont change by now

I appreciate your comments we need a free IRC advertised front page

Will #METAQUOTES someday be be *metafunctional* and their devs develop a front end for MQL4 in MQL5? For example; I dont really want to hear a system paladin tell me that MQL5 is better off not being able to Translate/Run MQL4 like a playstation 2 may no longer be running games from playstation 1 is better. I would like to post this question on the main exposed General thread so that I may receive more opinions as users dont like to scroll the MQL4 forums

However I fear they are going to ban me for "double post" because questions overlap and couple of threads open that I would like to remain open as they are better for users to be able to freely see all the more information about subjects

Everyone secretly knows MQL4 would be better off as either an Open Project by now or by being fully integrated in MQL5. MQL4 signal subs are higher than MQL5 signals; so users prefer MQL4. It is the best used most was there before project so is supposed to be the most fundamentally fully functional and compatible basis of MT5. is essentially bugged by their own liking as the obvious implementable benefits of MQL5 they also refuse to allow to MT4 like full custom time frames and a nice profiler. 16 worthless core as hardware is better just 1 core per set of charts. The best product META should logically have as being the basis of MQL5 is MQL4; is essentially what many would consider a *BUGGED* incomplete and nonfunctional foundation they later patched. Just release as finished product. They just dont seem to care about their user community apparently 


"This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help."

I clearly said it was clearly worth it for myself; how can I compare what I know with what MQL4 Forums knows?

Anyone in my situation whos into MQL4 should ask the same thing; you can't be forum afraid in MQL4 as this computer language is more of a secret oral tradition than a working computer language; thing barely works; tester doesnt work (dont want to see a system paladin answer) and I really dont mind anyones opinion as mine wont change by now

I appreciate your comments we need a free IRC advertised front page

Will #METAQUOTES someday be be *metafunctional* and their devs develop a front end for MQL4 in MQL5? For example; I dont really want to hear a system paladin tell me that MQL5 is better off not being able to Translate/Run MQL4 like a playstation 2 may no longer be running games from playstation 1 is better. I would like to post this question on the main exposed General thread so that I may receive more opinions as users dont like to scroll the MQL4 forums

However I fear they are going to ban me for "double post" because questions overlap and couple of threads open that I would like to remain open as they are better for users to be able to freely see all the more information about subjects

Everyone secretly knows MQL4 would be better off as either an Open Project by now or by being fully integrated in MQL5. MQL4 signal subs are the best product META has; they just dont seem to care about their user community apparently

If you're getting your data by strings with undesirable characters you need to back up and reevaluate your code much prior to the step you are currently on.

nicholish en:

If you're getting your data by strings with undesirable characters you need to back up and reevaluate your code much prior to the step you are currently on.

What step you think Im on? I changed to ints bc less runtime ; as I explained before. 

If you got a suggestion, I'd like to see

What step you think Im on? I changed to ints bc less runtime ; as I explained before. 

If you got a suggestion, I'd like to see

We need to know how you are obtaining this string data in the first place. 

nicholish en:

We need to know how you are obtaining this string data in the first place. 

Just assigning some variables Aray[0]=Bars-whatever  or any value 

nicholish en:
This all seems like one big X Y problem...

I will raise it to one big A..Z problem.

Enrique Dangeroux:

I will raise it to one big A..Z problem.

AZ problem = "Problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem. This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help"

What is the unnecessary about it? Not wasted time and energy for myself I need it 

I post only necessary posts for myself; if you or someone else does not find it important as a waste of time; its not. You can always learn something from reading the forums. Besides, Im the OP before you tell me thats an unnecessary post, ask yourself, are you the OP? Why should it be necessary for you or anybody else?


What is the unnecessary about it? I need it 

I think he is implying that it would be in your benefit to actually take some CS courses to learn how to think like a computer scientist. I hope this doesn't offend, but sometimes I honestly cannot tell if this is a troll account or not because of the questions being asked. 

nicholish en:

I think he is implying that it would be in your benefit to actually take some CS courses to learn how to think like a computer scientist. I hope this doesn't offend, but sometimes I honestly cannot tell if this is a troll account or not because of the questions being asked. 

If you got no logical basis, dont make any accusations

You got to tell me what Im doing wrong before you tell me anything or it will just be meaningless

Troll account? I ask MQL questions as someone who is learning MQL

Maybe you are the Troll account ? Im not accusing any of you of trolling, however its funny that you just come to someone elses thread en masse to tell them their posts are meaningless and call them a troll on top? For me, the OP, its a meaningful question; however anything non MQL Id like to leave out of this  Here for MQL exclusively 


If you got no logical basis, dont make any accusations

You got to tell me what Im doing wrong before you tell me anything or its just meaningless

Look... I hate to sound negative, however, the questions and anti-patterns you're always posting here implies that you don't have a background in programming. There's nothing wrong with that provided you seek to gain the requisite knowledge. It seems like you have fun making stuff by hacking around in the terminal with MQL, but if you're not willing to put in the effort to learn some fundamentals then you're going to be stuck making spaghetti code and people will get tired of giving answers to XY problems. 

Spaghetti code - Wikipedia
It is not clear when the phrase spaghetti code came into common usage; however, several references appeared in 1977 including Macaroni is Better Than Spaghetti by Steele published in Proceedings of the 1977 symposium on artificial intelligence and programming languages. In the 1978 book A primer on disciplined programming using PL/I, PL/CS, and...