Rules Clarification


Hey . 

from the market product rules : IV.5 (

The Seller shall not integrate and apply any third-party sales, accounting, license control and update management systems (including the ones using WebRequest features) in Products.

I would like a clarification if possible (and if visible) 

I m preparing a system that automatically logs in the user to a side service with a mixed hash of their account number and username (of the trading account) , the only registration requirement is on the android app part of the system ,and the only requirement for the .ex5 utility is the addition of an adress in the WebRequest allowed URL settings.

There are no upsales or restrictions but , without the url ,the utility cant function fully .

My querry is this : Would the above constitute a violation of rule IV.5 ? 

From the users perspective :

  • They find the service
  • They download an android app
  • They come to mql5
  • They download an ex5 utility  from the market (paid)
  • They add a specific url to their MT5 settings
  • My server matches their hash sent from MT5 with their android app and autostarts their service

Thank you

Lorentzos Roussos: They add a specific url to their MT5 settings
How will your EA pass the checks? You can't enter anything then.
William Roeder:
How will your EA pass the checks? You can't enter anything then.

It is not checked for trading if it is a utility .