Saving ticket of made order


Hello everyone,

I've made a function to look for position by ticket. It just chcecks if it exists.

It works on history data but i doesn't on real time chart.

The way it works is saving ticket in ulong variable orderTicket after OrderSend(request, resoult). Just orderTicket = and then i print them. First raw than orderTicket. Both are equal to 0 so it isn't overflow problem or anything because they are both ulong type.

Than I search on every tick if this position still exists by checking if(PositionsTotal()>0) and than if(PositionSelectByTicket(orderTicket)). If everything is chcecked returns true.

It works in history data where tickets are small (like #2 or #6) but on real time tickets are numbers like #1000000000. I read in a documentation that ulong can handle much bigger numbers so i don't know what is the problem.

I tried to look for opened position by EA's magic nubmer but i coulnd make it work so i did it seleckt by ticket funciton.

Main purpose of this function is to bot make more than 1 position at once

Thanks in advance to enyone who will try to help me to fix it or show me a different way to make it work.

Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
//| Expert initialization function                                   | //| Expert deinitialization function                                 | //| Expert tick function                                             | //| test1                                                            |...
Okay, so I've found a solution.

I was using  TRADE_ACTION_DEAL type while sending order in OrderSend(). In documentation on struct MqlTradeResult is written:


Deal ticket,  if a deal has been performed. It is available for a trade operation of TRADE_ACTION_DEAL type

and as I used it retuned 0, so I used request.order to see how it's going to works.


Order ticket, if a ticket has been placed. It is available for a trade operation of TRADE_ACTION_PENDING type

And it does what i want.

I don't know how, because as I said, I'm using TRADE_ACTION_DEAL type, not TRADE_ACTION_PENDING type. On historical data both .deal and .order works, so I couldn't see why it was wrong.

That's part of my code if anyone wants to see how it looks:

bool makeOrder(){


   request.action       =TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
   request.symbol       =Symbol();
   request.volume       =lot;
   request.type         =type;
   request.price        =price;           =sl;           =tp;
   request.deviation    =0;
   request.type_filling =ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
   request.comment      =NULL;
   request.magic        =magicNumber;
   bool res=(OrderSend(request,resoult));
      orderTicket = resoult.order;
      readyToOrder = false;
      printf("set ticket to (request.order): " + orderTicket);
   return res;

bool searchForOrders(){                        //Looking for active positions by ticket
         printf("Found Existing Position");
         return true;
   printf("Order Not Found");
   return false;

I've made it with my own class, that's why it's all in functions if someone is curious.

I hope it helps someone someday.
Bye for now i guess.