telegram.mqh reply to msg - page 2

Lorentzos Roussos:

Oh , nice . 

You modified SendPhoto or SendMessageGetID ?

SendPhoto, but there is multiple SendPhoto function in the file, maybe I picked the wrong one?


SendPhoto, but there is multiple SendPhoto function in the file, maybe I picked the wrong one?

No it was okay . 

#property strict
#include <Telegram\TelegramL.mqh>
input string channel_name="";//PRIVATE CHANNEL NAME (string)
input string channel_private_id_string="";//PRIVATE CHANNEL ID (string)
string InpToken="";//telegram input token
// to get private channel id
//Log into Telegram via web:
//Find your channel and copy the URL. 
//You should have something like this:**NUMBER**_number
//The numbers between "c" and "_" are the ID of your private channel.

//Now tell your bot to send the messages to chat_id=-100NUMBER

//mql code : 
id in webtelegram c1334309342_1978467370643286368 >
1334309342 > 
-1001334309342 >
    string ids="-1001334309342";
    long idl=(long)StringToInteger(ids);

string private_channel_string_id="";
long private_channel_post_id=0,private_channel_prepost_id=0;
//id of last message for replies 
long last_message_id=-1;
you can implement a solution where in your trades monitoring class 
you maintain the message id that was produced after the trade was posted in the telegram channel
for example ,you open a buy order ,you get its ticket ,you store it in your class array with your trades 
then after messaging the channel ,you can store the return id (the id of the message) in the same class array

then when stop loss is hit for example you could : 
if(myTrades[x].reply_messge_id!=-1) > quote and message
int OnInit()
  //finding your channels id
    string ids="-100"+channel_private_id_string;
    long idl=(long)StringToInteger(ids);
    Alert("Invalid Private Channel ID");
  //test message and its quote 
    string txt="This will be quoted";
    int res=bot.SendMessageGetID(false,0,private_channel_post_id,txt,NULL,false,false,last_message_id);
                //if it was sent
                //reply to it !
                txt="Reply test!";
                long reply_id=-1;
    string name_for_screenshot="Screenie.bmp";
    bool capture=ChartScreenShot(ChartID(),name_for_screenshot,100,100,ALIGN_RIGHT);
    //if screenshot taken 
      string get_photo_id_string="";
      string caption="Caption Of Screenshot";
        Alert("ID for reply : "+IntegerToString(last_message_id));
        //reply to photo ! 
        string txt="Reply to photo !";
    //if screenshot taken ends here   
class CMyBot: public CCustomBot
   int               m_radio_index;
   bool              m_lock_state;
   bool              m_mute_state;
   //find chat id of private channel 
   long FindChannelChatId(string c_name,long normal_id,long post_id)
   long returnio=-1;
   int total_chats=bot.ChatsTotal();
   for(int c=0;c<total_chats;c++)
    CCustomChat chat=m_chats.GetNodeAtIndex(c);
   //find chat id of private channel ends here 


CMyBot bot;
int getme_result;

//user structure - for signals 
long telegram_chat_ids[];
int telegram_chats_total=0;
int telegram_chats_size=0;
int telegram_chats_step=10;
bool telegram_running=false,must_hide_keyboard=false;

//start telegram service and get id's 
  void StartTelegramService()
//--- set token
//--- check token
  if(getme_result!=0) telegram_running=false;
  //if(telegram_running) Alert("Bot Name : "+bot.Name);
   Alert("Could not start telegram service!");
//start telegram service and get id's ends here 

TelegramL.mqh  83 kb
Lorentzos Roussos:

No it was okay . 

You trully are amazing!

I learned many thing thanks to you, can I buy you a coffee? Its not much but its the least I can do given how much you gave me this past few days.

Please send me your paypal in private Lorentzos :)


You trully are amazing!

I learned many thing thanks to you, can I buy you a coffee? Its not much but its the least I can do given how much you gave me this past few days.

Please send me your paypal in private Lorentzos :)

No problem , i try to code everyday to stay "code fit". We might have that coffee someday ,thats all . :) 


There was nothing bounded to the first boolean above, so I changed it to true and added this code to SendPhotoGetID in TelegramLmqh  to reply with photos :

string params=""; 
      if(!replying_to_message) params=StringFormat("chat_id=%lld&text=%s",_chat_id,UrlEncode(_caption));

There is no error when I send messages to telegram but this doesnt work.

I'm guessing it has something to do with:

int res=WebRequest("POST",url,headers,_timeout,data,result,result_headers);

as the params variable isn't defined in it.

I tried to add it but WebRequest seems to have a defined parameters count. So I went with PostRequest like with SendMessageGetID but still no luck there...

Lorentzos Roussos:

No problem , i try to code everyday to stay "code fit". We might have that coffee someday ,thats all . :) 

Alright ahah.

string out;      
int res=WebRequest(out,url,headers,_timeout,data,result,result_headers);
            PrintFormat("out : "+out);

out is initialised but not defined, is it a variable that will receive its value by telegram in this case?

in any case, no error when I print it.

We can reply to a photo with a photo without problem in telegram so why not?


      string out;
      int res=PostRequest(out,url,params,WEB_TIMEOUT);
      PrintFormat("out : "+out)

here I have a bad request ("no photo in the request")


It returns "Bad request" if you print the "out" variable in the function 

I dont think you can reply to a photo with a photo - but i'll mod it ,see what i mean with code fit ? i forgot to place that functionality :D -

---- edits : 

  1. First go to the SendMessageGetID and follow the params -where they are sent , we see a PostRequest function.Go in there ...
  2. In the PostRequest function ,can see the params are sent in the data as a char array ,so now go to SendPhotoGetID and look for where these char arrays are ...
  3. There is a uchar array data[] thats where the photo data is sent so we utilize this , now we need to find if we plug our "replying_id" above or below the data (probably above)...
  4. We see a chat id is sent in the top section of the data ,so we plug the replying id there and add a line as well ...

Hmm ,doesnt look very reply-ish : (maybe cause im sending the same photo)

#property strict
#include <Telegram\TelegramL.mqh>
input string channel_name="";//PRIVATE CHANNEL NAME (string)
input string channel_private_id_string="";//PRIVATE CHANNEL ID (string)
string InpToken="";//telegram input token
// to get private channel id
//Log into Telegram via web:
//Find your channel and copy the URL. 
//You should have something like this:**NUMBER**_number
//The numbers between "c" and "_" are the ID of your private channel.

//Now tell your bot to send the messages to chat_id=-100NUMBER

//mql code : 
id in webtelegram c1334309342_1978467370643286368 >
1334309342 > 
-1001334309342 >
    string ids="-1001334309342";
    long idl=(long)StringToInteger(ids);

string private_channel_string_id="";
long private_channel_post_id=0,private_channel_prepost_id=0;
//id of last message for replies 
long last_message_id=-1;
you can implement a solution where in your trades monitoring class 
you maintain the message id that was produced after the trade was posted in the telegram channel
for example ,you open a buy order ,you get its ticket ,you store it in your class array with your trades 
then after messaging the channel ,you can store the return id (the id of the message) in the same class array

then when stop loss is hit for example you could : 
if(myTrades[x].reply_messge_id!=-1) > quote and message
int OnInit()
  //finding your channels id
    string ids="-100"+channel_private_id_string;
    long idl=(long)StringToInteger(ids);
    Alert("Invalid Private Channel ID");
  //test message and its quote 
    string txt="This will be quoted";
    int res=bot.SendMessageGetID(false,0,private_channel_post_id,txt,NULL,false,false,last_message_id);
                //if it was sent
                //reply to it !
                txt="Reply test!";
                long reply_id=-1;
    string name_for_screenshot="Screenie.bmp";
    bool capture=ChartScreenShot(ChartID(),name_for_screenshot,100,100,ALIGN_RIGHT);
    //if screenshot taken 
      string get_photo_id_string="";
      string caption="Caption Of Screenshot";
        Alert("ID for reply : "+IntegerToString(last_message_id));
        //reply to photo ! 
        /* reply with text 
        string txt="Reply to photo !";
        //reply with same photo
    //if screenshot taken ends here   
class CMyBot: public CCustomBot
   int               m_radio_index;
   bool              m_lock_state;
   bool              m_mute_state;
   //find chat id of private channel 
   long FindChannelChatId(string c_name,long normal_id,long post_id)
   long returnio=-1;
   int total_chats=bot.ChatsTotal();
   for(int c=0;c<total_chats;c++)
    CCustomChat chat=m_chats.GetNodeAtIndex(c);
   //find chat id of private channel ends here 


CMyBot bot;
int getme_result;

//user structure - for signals 
long telegram_chat_ids[];
int telegram_chats_total=0;
int telegram_chats_size=0;
int telegram_chats_step=10;
bool telegram_running=false,must_hide_keyboard=false;

//start telegram service and get id's 
  void StartTelegramService()
//--- set token
//--- check token
  if(getme_result!=0) telegram_running=false;
  //if(telegram_running) Alert("Bot Name : "+bot.Name);
   Alert("Could not start telegram service!");
//start telegram service and get id's ends here 

TelegramL.mqh  84 kb

This is because this isn't a reply, and yes I thought exactly the same thing about the photo, but I tried with a different one and it doesnt change anything.


Alright I found what was the error

      ArrayAdd(data,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"reply_to_message_id=\"\r\n");

I removed the "=" -> 

 form-data; name=\"reply_to_message_id=
      ArrayAdd(data,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"reply_to_message_id\"\r\n");
TelegramL.mqh  84 kb

This is because this isn't a reply, and yes I thought exactly the same thing about the photo, but I tried with a different one and it doesnt change anything.


Alright I found what was the error

I removed the "=" -> 

Wow excellent :) . nice catch . 

(and also added ArrayAdd(data,"--"+hash+"\r\n"); after the if replying to message)