Subscription renewal


Today I had to renew the subscription of the signals that I follow. When renewing the free signals I notice that clicking once on “renew” does not remove the renew arrow sign so I click it twice. Now the symbol disappear as it happened before. However when renewing the paid signal it happened the same thing. Before I perform the payment I check that I have enough amount to perform one payment. However clicking twice does not help since the page says that I does not have enough funds to make the payment. This grabs my attention and I check the things carefully. In the payments I see that there is performed payment for the payed signal and it is right that I don't have more funds for second click payment. I notice that in fact the expiration date of the paid signal is extended properly but still the renew arrow symbol exist. I also noticed that the expiration dates of the other free signals which I clicked twice to clear the renew arrow sign are actually doubled. Finally I see that some of the signals I follow including the payed signal are not permitted for subscription due to current drawdown.

Until now the renewal was done with one click only so the current action confuses me. I hope the web designers to pay attention to my report and check is everything ok.

The other thing that is bothering me is what happens to signals that are not permitted for subscription due to current drawdown. Is it permitted to extend their expiration as I did since I don't know whether to trust the indications on the site today since its strange behavior?

Please write to ServiceDesk for such issue.