Increasing volume level from paid signal provider?

Hello, I am currently subscribed to a signal provider that uses an algorithm. My situation allows for more risk than what the algorithm affords.

I am wondering if there is a method of increasing the volume traded by the signal provider. I am currently using 95% of my deposit balance but I would like an additional 20-40% weight behind the trades that the algorithm opens.

Is there a way to open and close additional positions when my signal provider opens positions? Or increase the volume used by the signal provider?

Thank you.

How to change the volume/lot size (many posts) 

How to Select a Deal Volume  
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
  • 2013.04.18
In my journal, when i'm using VIACHI signal , i get this : 2013.04...
Hello, I am currently subscribed to a signal provider that uses an algorithm. My situation allows for more risk than what the algorithm affords.

I am wondering if there is a method of increasing the volume traded by the signal provider. I am currently using 95% of my deposit balance but I would like an additional 20-40% weight behind the trades that the algorithm opens.

Is there a way to open and close additional positions when my signal provider opens positions? Or increase the volume used by the signal provider?

Thank you.

If you are using the maximum 95% in signals settings, the only other way to increase your lot size is to add to your balance.