Connect MQL5 Web Socket to Google Pub/Sub Publisher



I´m working in a Google Pub/Sub  configuration to be able to sent signals / trades to Mql5 Telegram (Maximum 15 signals per day). Important to mention that Google Pub/Sub can send push notifications into a webSocket or other mechanism as Http / API, etc...

The question is: 

Can send this notifications to MQL5 install into the Virtual Hosting that MQL5 offers or should I need to instal MQL5 into a Virtual Machine provide by Azure, Google Cloud or AWS and try to configure the connection?

Thank you very much for your help and any comments will be more than appreciated!!!!!

Alejandro Holguin M

<email was deleted by moderator>

Any ideas?

MT5 can send push notifications to cell phones an emails.

Anything else would nee external tool - but dll aren't allowed on MT5-VPS