Newbies' question: API's and other languages on PVS


Hi all,

I'm a new user in this forum and I got here because I think searched the whole site and couldn't find the answers I am looking for (and pardon me in advance if they're obvious questions to some of you or if they are answered elsewhere):

I've been trading with XTB for quite for some years and I am now interested in acquiring their local server solution (I believe it's what they call VPS). I can't find a technical description of what this solution includes and if any of you could answer me some of my questions, you'd be making me a huge favor since they are determinant to my decision.

1 - Is this like a Visrtual Machine? If yes, which OS are we talking about (Win/Unix?)

2 - Can I run my Java software in this server?

1.1 - If yes, am I free to install any software (DB, Python, PHP, etc...)?

1.2 - If not, what means are there to communicate to external systems? (filesystem and FTP? Is there any kind of exposed API's to the outside?)

If any of one could give me some answers based on your experience and/or point me to the place where I can have these questions answered, I'd appreciate very much.

Thanks in advance/Cheers,

André Patrício

Andre Patricio:

Hi all,

I'm a new user in this forum and I got here because I think searched the whole site and couldn't find the answers I am looking for (and pardon me in advance if they're obvious questions to some of you or if they are answered elsewhere):

I've been trading with XTB for quite for some years and I am now interested in acquiring their local server solution (I believe it's what they call VPS). I can't find a technical description of what this solution includes and if any of you could answer me some of my questions, you'd be making me a huge favor since they are determinant to my decision.

1 - Is this like a Visrtual Machine? If yes, which OS are we talking about (Win/Unix?)

2 - Can I run my Java software in this server?

1.1 - If yes, am I free to install any software (DB, Python, PHP, etc...)?

1.2 - If not, what means are there to communicate to external systems? (filesystem and FTP? Is there any kind of exposed API's to the outside?)

If any of one could give me some answers based on your experience and/or point me to the place where I can have these questions answered, I'd appreciate very much.

Thanks in advance/Cheers,

André Patrício

  1. It is programmed for Windows (64, 7 or higher)
    If you look at the bottom of this page you see on the right side HowTos for Mac, Linux, ...
    You install the client on your pc. It comes wit an editor and this is basically all you need.
    To get out of the MT5 sandbox you can use the standard Windows Apis like kernel32.dll.
  2. Lately the connection to Python was made. To learn more about it click on the lens (top right) and enter Python. I'll get 100 paged with 10 links.
    Start with the articles (selection on the left side) to find out more about it.
Carl Schreiber:
  1. It is programmed for Windows (64, 7 or higher)
    If you look at the bottom of this page you see on the right side HowTos for Mac, Linux, ...
    You install the client on your pc. It comes wit an editor and this is basically all you need.
    To get out of the MT5 sandbox you can use the standard Windows Apis like kernel32.dll.
  2. Lately the connection to Python was made. To learn more about it click on the lens (top right) and enter Python. I'll get 100 paged with 10 links.
    Start with the articles (selection on the left side) to find out more about it.

Thanks, Carl, but I'm not sure I understood (or made myself clear enough).

I already use MetaTrader on my personal computer. I am interested though in acquiring a VPS (Virtual Private Server) hoping it would reduce my orders' execution time.

Am I looking in the wrong place?

Thanks in advance,