Service desk is ignoring me - page 2

Sergey Golubev #:

I agree that the service desk is replying in delay in many cases.

But I am talking here about the different thing ...
For example, do you know how many time in a day I am replying on the forum about the following:
"fill Community tab with your forum login, do not use your email for login?"
I am replying like this for several times in a day during the two years.
Why? Because "I am stupid idiot"? Not. It is because the users did it ...
and they (users) do not care (it is one example only; I have many examples).

yes, but if you go to the login page, in the login field, it even says "Login or email". so what are users supposed to do other than to choose 1 or the other. If it said Login, then the user would insert their user Login instead. If mq wants to continue being flooded with these messages, then continue to ignore the issue and dont fix it, as they have done for years and years. How hard is it to fix such a small comment in that field? seriously!

Revo Trades #:

yes, but if you go to the login page, in the login field, it even says "Login or email". so what are users supposed to do other than to choose 1 or the other. If it said Login, then the user would insert their user Login instead. If mq wants to continue being flooded with these messages, then continue to ignore the issue and dont fix it, as they have done for years and years. How hard is it to fix such a small comment in that field? seriously!

It is just one example only.
Many users do not want to read the forum, do not want to read the manual/instruction about MT4 or MT4 .. and they do not want to be publicly responsible for anything ... they prefer for MetaQuotes company to be responsible ... but users - not?

I am not defending the service desk - I agree that reply from the service desk (in c ase it is real financil issue with the services for example) should be provided in more quick way.
But it is " two sides of the same coin": some users are asking for public responsibility from the service desk ... but many users (may be - more by number) are not going to be responsible for anything here ... and I am making same same replies many times in a day for the many years ...

I provided the reply from MetaQuotes on post which I found in Russian forum ("machine" translation to the English), and it is the advice about what to do if the service desk is not replying during the many days for example (because the service desk is reading the forum threads; and because the moderators are having the rights to ask the service desk about any issues which they/moderators have found on the forum).

Service desk is ignoring me
Service desk is ignoring me
  • 2020.06.25
Hi, Its been more than 2 months since my account has been financially limited and my deposit is frozen...
DownTheRabbitHole #:
They're having staffing issues...

No , I dont think MQL have stuff issue , i think there must be some reason that user again the rules here . 

Sergey Golubev #:

It is just one example only.
Many users do not want to read the forum, do not want to read the manual/instruction about MT4 or MT4 .. and they do not want to be publicly responsible for anything ... they prefer for MetaQuotes company to be responsible ... but users - not?

I am not defending the service desk - I agree that reply from the service desk (in c ase it is real financil issue with the services for example) should be provided in more quick way.
But it is " two sides of the same coin": some users are asking for public responsibility from the service desk ... but many users (may be - more by number) are not going to be responsible for anything here ... and I am making same same replies many times in a day for the many years ...

I provided the reply from MetaQuotes on post which I found in Russian forum ("machine" translation to the English), and it is the advice about what to do if the service desk is not replying during the many days for example (because the service desk is reading the forum threads; and because the moderators are having the rights to ask the service desk about any issues which they/moderators have found on the forum).

This is also an mq issiu, the search function is crap. You have match the words. When i looking for something, i use google, way better than the search here

Sergey Golubev #:

The ops issue is not that much different to another ops issue a few weeks ago, where the service desk referred the op to the forum and yet, everyone knows that they say that they deal with financial issues. There is 0 justification for how that op and now this op has been "handled". Forwarding financial issues to the forum, when they say they deal with financial issues from the service desk is just rediculous. But if they do not have issue with publicizing their dirty laundry, then who are we to complain? let the dirty laundry blow around! haha

amando #:

This is also an mq issiu, the search function is crap. You have match the words. When i looking for something, i use google, way better than the search here

agreed. i have made same point on many threads. I use google to search the forum 8 out of 10 times i need to search the forum. Sergey and the moderators do not seem to care about responding to multiple issues that are duplicate issues. These are perfect examples where a search is useless. If i search for many issues, on the forum search, i can not find a thing, but when i use google to search the forum, i get multiple hits.

amando #:

This is also an mq issiu, the search function is crap. You have match the words. When i looking for something, i use google, way better than the search here

It is the issue related to the users.
The search function is working fine, and I created the thread for newbies (this one), and so on.

For example, if I can find something ... so - everybody can do it too (because I am not the unique person).
And the people should help each other.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Service desk is ignoring me

Revo Trades, 2021.12.31 18:41

The ops issue is not that much different to another ops issue a few weeks ago, where the service desk referred the op to the forum and yet, everyone knows that they say that they deal with financial issues. There is 0 justification for how that op and now this op has been "handled". Forwarding financial issues to the forum, when they say they deal with financial issues from the service desk is just rediculous. But if they do not have issue with publicizing their dirty laundry, then who are we to complain? let the dirty laundry blow around! haha

OP (opinion poster), seems - topic starter?
He made his post one and half year ago ...

Where Do I start from?
Where Do I start from?
  • 2017.07.25
Hi fam! Am a total newbie in the forex niche... Just signed up here on this platform... Please where do i start from? I need help...
amando #:

This is also an mq issiu, the search function is crap. You have match the words. When i looking for something, i use google, way better than the search here

I posted my opinion.
But you posted your opinion as the facts.
But just imagine that some your "facts" are not true ... what will you do? nothing?
It is what I am talking about public responsibility.


I am on 100% sure that you understand me: we are talking about the different things.
But I just do not agree with your habit to post/present your opinion as the facts.
And it is the reason because I am posting on this thread.


You can say anything if you are posting it as your opinion.
But if you posted your opinion as the proven fact so sorry ... in this case - I will always be here to soeak about responsibility of the users in case they told something wrong here ...


I mean: there is not any conflicting posts of me and posts made by you.
It is the way how to post the information on the forum in public way.