Service desk is ignoring me

Hi, Its been more than 2 months since my account has been financially limited and my deposit is frozen. The service desk is completely ignoring my messages and no reply from them. There is no other way to contact the support no Email, nothing.
Is there any other way I can talk to someone? I don't think they are going to reply to me on service desk ever. I have been ignored for more than 2 months, even though I sent multiple messages.
If it is related to the technical problems/issue/error/impossibility so all support is going to be on the forum.
Sergey Golubev:
If it is related to the technical problems/issue/error/impossibility so all support is going to be on the forum.
It is related to financial issue, and I'm only asking if there is any way to contact anyone for my problem. Service desk has not replied in 2 months!!
It is related to financial issue, and I'm only asking if there is any way to contact anyone for my problem. Service desk has not replied in 2 months!!

Send a new comment in your Service Desk ticket to 'wake' them up.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Send a new comment in your Service Desk ticket to 'wake' them up.

If it was that easy, I have been sending a new message on an average of every 5 days, still not working. I'm clueless as to what is happening, they could reply and ask for documents or anything to let me know at least they are working on it.
Thanks for the replies.
i am having the same issue does anyone know whats wrong; will it be solved on its own or do i have to wait for someone from the service desk to receive my grievance??
jonjon1 #:
i am having the same issue does anyone know whats wrong; will it be solved on its own or do i have to wait for someone from the service desk to receive my grievance??
If it is related to the technical problems/issue/error/impossibility so all support is going to be on the forum: you should open the thread and describe your issue with all technical details.
They're having staffing issues...
DownTheRabbitHole #:
They're having staffing issues...

It is the users which are having understanding issue.
Because any technical support and possible bug reporting are going to be on the forum (it is official reply from th.e service desk).
And for financial issue - go to the servuice desk link Contacts and requests.

Forum on trading, automatic trading systems and testing of trading strategies

The "Service Desk" section disappeared

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.08.09 15:28

Create separate threads with a full description, please. Do not add everything to one topic.

First of all involve other forum participants to analyze the situation.

Try to describe the problem as fully as possible, attach logs, screenshots, sample code, and so on. The main thing is that there was no game of ping-pong, when only a 5-10 step of questions / answers is collected enough material to analyze the situation and play.

Any technical problem should have an answer to the question "can I reproduce". If there is no answer, then the probability of failure of the request is high.

Unfortunately, we can no longer engage in a massive and constantly growing volume of poorly qualified inquiries and frankly educational issues.

Our employees are not teachers in trading or programming.

The discussion about HowTo is going on this thread.

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Contact Us
Send your messages and see the history of your requests to the support team even if you are not registered on the website.

No ita an mq issu, to send a request as you always read in the forum it needs at least 2 weeks. This is not professional. Even if you open a ticket the have to react when the are not responisble. The can write you go to the forum.

in that way, mq is a spam company, soory for that, bit it is. To leave the clients alone and dont pay out the money isnt professional

amando #:

No ita an mq issu, to send a request as you always read in the forum it needs at least 2 weeks. This is not professional. Even if you open a ticket the have to react when the are not responisble. The can write you go to the forum.

in that way, mq is a spam company, soory for that, bit it is. To leave the clients alone and dont pay out the money isnt professional

I agree that the service desk is replying in delay in many cases.

But I am talking here about the different thing ...
For example, do you know how many time in a day I am replying on the forum about the following:
"fill Community tab with your forum login, do not use your email for login?"
I am replying like this for several times in a day during the two years.
Why? Because "I am stupid idiot"? Not. It is because the users did it ...
and they (users) do not care (it is one example only; I have many examples).