Buffer overflows - page 3

Nelson Wanyama: How come most other answers are not vague? Are you the only supplier?

The others are not vague because they guessed what you meant and answered one possible question.

Off the top of my head I came up with four (4) different possible meanings of your "possibility of buffer overflow" thus could not answer it without guessing.

Because of your snowflake rant and then your vague question I am ignoring you as requested


Given your profile history, I'm not sure why you're asking this.

There have been lots of these summaries over the years on this forum, so I won't repeat them. Instead, I'll cover - briefly - something which is much less commonly discussed.

MQL is fairly similar to languages such as C# or Java - similar syntax, classes and inheritance, managed memory access etc. But every modern language is two things: its syntax and, quite separately, its "framework" / "standard class library" / whatever you want to call it. Learning to write in C# is at least as much about learning the .NET Framework as it is about the syntax of the C# language. Similarly, there are the really quite separate topics of learning MQL syntax and then learning how to use the language to place trades, or draw objects on a chart etc.

The big, big surprise with MQL is that the language has classes and inheritance, but its "framework" doesn't make any use of them at all (for legacy reasons).

You might expect that the MQL environment would expose some sort of Orders collection, containing some sort of Order class which represents each open order with the broker. For example, you might expect to write code something like the following:

Completely wrong. When coming from another environment of an otherwise-comparable language, that's probably the biggest preconception which someone needs to throw out.

Instead, MQL has static "pools" of data, in effect arrays, which you loop through and then query using functions specific to that pool. For example, to enumerate pending orders in MQL5, you do the following:

  • Get a count of the orders using OrdersTotal()
  • Loop through to the total
  • Do OrderGetTicket() to retrieve the broker ticket number for the order at each array index N. This also makes that order the "context" for the following step...
  • Query properties of the currently-selected order using functions such as OrderGetDouble()
There are various semi-official libraries which do add to MQL the sort of class-based access outlined above, but they don't form part of the official language and its documentation. 

Nice answer.

Thank you very much for your effort.

Now, we only have to find someone who will benefit from this.

Some parts of the comparison are generalizations, some parts are too specific for someone without MQLx experience.

Basically, it's trivia you find important that does not help either experienced users or total newbies.

Finally, how much traders are here because of MQLx? I bet that more than 99% of users picked MTx because it's free, unlike other popular trading platforms.

Yes, I tried to be a bit sarcastic, because of the argument you used to justify the need for comparison.
Earlier this year I started with Dart. I read a few pretty detailed comparisons.  It was a nice read.
And a huge waste of time because I did not know much about Dart specifics, which I learned later, by going through documentation and examples.  

That's in general what I think about any similar comparison (languages, databases, frameworks, tools, ...). 

What we need on this forum is sort of dictatorship that StackOverflow has - delete repeated, silly, incomplete, vague, opinionated questions. It leads to high quality content.
Similar to broker and product discussion policy - forbidden.

If there is such a policy then any responsible moderator would immediately delete this thread, starting with this comment :-D

OK, this was my regular summer rambling and rant, I'm good until fall. 

Drazen Penic:

What we need on this forum is sort of dictatorship that StackOverflow has - delete repeated, silly, incomplete, vague, opinionated questions. It leads to high quality content.
Similar to broker and product discussion policy - forbidden.

If there is such a policy then any responsible moderator would immediately delete this thread, starting with this comment :-D

OK, this was my regular summer rambling and rant, I'm good until fall. 

I fully agree, but this will not happen. Moderators don't even have the possibility to merge a new topic into an existing one. Or to mark it as duplicate and close it.

The quality content on this forum is flooded in an ocean of mediocrity, and the Metaquotes policy is to keep it and to build automated tools to provide useless links on each posts and topics.

Drazen Penic:

I bet that more than 99% of users picked MTx because it's free [...]

Ending the day on a serious note... no trading platforms are free.

But MTx was among the pioneers of the model where users with real-money accounts subsidise the cost of demo accounts. Brokers pay MQ $x0,000 or $x00,000 upfront per server, and then $x,000 per month per server. That all has to be paid for by people trading. It's not free.

What we need on this forum is sort of dictatorship that StackOverflow has - delete repeated, silly, incomplete, vague, opinionated questions. It leads to high quality content.

After 10+ years on this forum, I'd say that we need more contributors who understand how trading actually works. That's what the forum has always lacked.


Ending the day on a serious note... no trading platforms are free.

But MTx was among the pioneers of the model where users with real-money accounts subsidise the cost of demo accounts. Brokers pay MQ $x0,000 or $x00,000 upfront per server, and then $x,000 per month per server. That all has to be paid for by people trading. It's not free.

After 10+ years on this forum, I'd say that we need more contributors who understand how trading actually works. That's what the forum has always lacked.

Yeah, not free, hidden cost, but anyway, with MT4/5 you don't have to shell out $30+ per month just to be able to trade, especially if you just want to run tests on demo account.

And I doubt that brokers with other platforms give generous discounts because traders have to pay for the platform. 

Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "Off Topic Posts".

Interesting choice of posts to leave, and to remove.

Not a choice and not interesting at all.

I moved the last 2 posts to remind posters to stay on topic.

I have better things to do with my time than to spend it all editing, deleting and moving posts.

Keith Watford:

I have better things to do with my time than to spend it all editing, deleting and moving posts.

I have a reasonably fertile mind, but I have no idea why you have decided that almost all posts from #8 onwards are on-topic, whereas the two which you have chosen to remove are off-topic... Or, rather I do have such an idea, but I've addressed that a couple of posts ago. I do at least have the distinction in this thread that the OP stepped in to thank me for my contribution, which I feel gives me a bit of licence to continue with the digressions which you haven't otherwise decided to purge.


I have a reasonably fertile mind, but I have no idea why you have decided that almost all posts from #8 onwards are on-topic, whereas the two which you have chosen to remove are off-topic... Or, rather I do have such an idea, but I've addressed that a couple of posts ago. I do at least have the distinction in this thread that the OP stepped in to thank me for my contribution, which I feel gives me a bit of licence to continue with the digressions which you haven't otherwise decided to purge.

Strange that you quote my post

Keith Watford:

I moved the last 2 posts to remind posters to stay on topic.

I have better things to do with my time than to spend it all editing, deleting and moving posts.

Did you not understand it?

Keith Watford:

Strange that you quote my post

Did you not understand it?

JC is in babbling mode, don't worry

He meant most of the posts are not about "buffer overflows" though you allowed them (which is perfectly fine IMO).