Inactive Sellers in market. Need to be moved


I noticed a lot of inactive sellers on the market that have not used the site for several months and even years yet they products is still in the market lists.

I Think it will be more beneficial to the site to move the products of inactive sellers from appearing in the product list of sold products and perhaps organise them in a different category such as Inactive sellers product which would make more sense. 

These are inactive sellers are clogging the market place.

Don Calito:

I noticed a lot of inactive sellers on the market that have not used the site for several months and even years yet they products is still in the market lists.

I Think it will be more beneficial to the site to move the products of inactive sellers from appearing in the product list of sold products and perhaps organise them in a different category such as Inactive sellers product which would make more sense. 

These are inactive sellers are clogging the market place.

Hello Don .

Inactive how ? Their product is available ? or inactive like they get no sales ?

Don Calito:

I noticed a lot of inactive sellers on the market that have not used the site for several months and even years yet they products is still in the market lists.

I Think it will be more beneficial to the site to move the products of inactive sellers from appearing in the product list of sold products and perhaps organise them in a different category such as Inactive sellers product which would make more sense. 

These are inactive sellers are clogging the market place.

I think you should be careful to categorize a seller as inactive. I am not sure you can have a reliable about that from the outside.

But yes, if not yet done (who knows how it works currently ?), it is a good idea to take into account the activity of a seller in the algorithm(s) used to show Market content.


I am talking about these sellers that have not logged in mql5 for several months and even years this can easily be checked with a script. These even a few sellers that have passed away and their product no longer works due to no updates.

They need to be moved to  another section classified as inactive. Their product is still on mql5 but its in the inactive category.