Blog Drafts Not Accessible


Hello . 

I have been composing a blog post for ~a week now ,adding to it alongside an EA development.[the blog post is intended to be a manual for that EA]

While i can see the blog post in my drafts list (the blog was never published) , when i click on it i am

redirected to the newest blogs list . 

Since this is the first time im using Blogs , i will ask here if :

  • anyone has experienced a similar situation ?
  • did i miss something (deadline to post Blog ?)
  • was there some setting i neglected ?
  • are blogs being forcibly terminated ? 

Again , i can see the draft title , but cant access it for editing or publishing or viewing

Thank you .


Solved : 

  1. Copied the link of the blog post in question
  2. added "/edit" to it and navigated there
  3. the editor opened
  4. clicked update
  5. the blog is accessible again

So , are old blog posts accessible or do we have to update them once every week ?

I can not go to some blog post in Drafts in one way only:
the blog post is very big by text.
I use the other browser (or the other computer) to access it. And after that - I delete some text from this blog to be accessable in the future, or I move some text from this blog to new blog (so, I make two blogs instead of one).
Sergey Golubev:
I can not go to some blog post in Drafts in one way only:
the blog post is very big by text.
I use the other browser (or the other computer) to access it. And after that - I delete some text from this blog to be accessable in the future, or I move some text from this blog to new blog (so, I make two blogs instead of one).

If the issue is the size thought, it must block it every time.

The coder in me suspects this is a weekly filtration system and a once a week update makes the blog accessible/visible again :D .Thats why some sellers spam the bejesus out of their blogs in blogs :D 

Have you observed this in drafts or in published blogs too? [i also confirm my post has a lot of photos]

Thanks Sergey

(i will note the date 20.06.2020 and will check back at 27.06.2020 or 25.06.2020 ,i bet it wont be visible again)