unmatched data error

Hi everyone, I know that this topic is ask a lot and probably there's a lot of solution out there buy I already tried all of that from delete the .hst file to uninstall the MT4, but the problem still exist. I attach the SS from the MT4 journal and I'm not quite sure what cause it (my intuition is from the indicator that I used). Appreciate if anyone would see the error and tells me where the problem is.
Capture.JPG  77 kb
Luandre Ezra:
Hi everyone, I know that this topic is ask a lot and probably there's a lot of solution out there buy I already tried all of that from delete the .hst file to uninstall the MT4, but the problem still exist. I attach the SS from the MT4 journal and I'm not quite sure what cause it (my intuition is from the indicator that I used). Appreciate if anyone would see the error and tells me where the problem is.

On line 188, at the position of character 24, the data goes beyond the size of the array.

 Increase the size of the array.