Marketplace rental products. - page 2

There is 230 pages i don't think you checked them all.
I thought experts were listed by date in Last section. Isn't that right?
Francesco Grassi:

That's not it! I saw there is an expert published on 11 of june and it is listed, i just wanted to know if i did something wrong that caused my expert to not be listed in that "Last" section of the market.

Its the algorithm ,it has been noted in the past -the mixed dates- i think its a randomization ,a shuffle that also takes into account the recency of a product.
Given the fact the market is no longer checked it may be needed ,but this is an assumption .

Lorentzos Roussos:

Its the algorithm ,it has been noted in the past -the mixed dates- i think its a randomization ,a shuffle that also takes into account the recency of a product.
Given the fact the market is no longer checked it may be needed ,but this is an assumption .

Thanks for clarification mate. Even if it sounds very odd i'll accept it :)