Marketplace rental products.


Hello everybody.

I'd like to ask how it works when i decide to rent a my product to the market. If i just post the full product, how the product is modified or set up for working just for the rental period?


Francesco Grassi:

Hello everybody.

I'd like to ask how it works when i decide to rent a my product to the market. If i just post the full product, how the product is modified or set up for working just for the rental period?


The process is fully automatic -if thats what concerns you- ,you dont -must not- need to place custom license controls or any further steps -that the user needs to undergo- that prohibit the immediate use of the product after its rented or purchased . 

Lorentzos Roussos:

The process is fully automatic -if thats what concerns you- ,you dont -must not- need to place custom license controls or any further steps -that the user needs to undergo- that prohibit the immediate use of the product after its rented or purchased . 

Yes that is what concerned me. So i just need to add my full product on sale and the process of make it stop working after a month (if it is rented for a month) is fully automatic from mql5 website. Did i get this right?

Francesco Grassi:

Yes that is what concerned me. So i just need to add my full product on sale and the process of make it stop working after a month (if it is rented for a month) is fully automatic from mql5 website. Did i get this right?

Yes, this is all done automatically by

Francesco Grassi:

Yes that is what concerned me. So i just need to add my full product on sale and the process of make it stop working after a month (if it is rented for a month) is fully automatic from mql5 website. Did i get this right?

Yes :) Exactly .You will receive full reports of your product as well on a special statistics page after you publish it.
The rentals will be logged in your payments breakdown.

All you have to do is code it ,design some stuff and promote it . 


Thank you folks for the enlightenment ;)

As for the promotion part, i guess i need to work on it as it's the first EA i publish and even if it works great i still don't know well how to promote it around the internet.

Francesco Grassi:

Thank you folks for the enlightenment ;)

As for the promotion part, i guess i need to work on it as it's the first EA i publish and even if it works great i still don't know well how to promote it around the internet.

From my small experience : 

  • The title is the most important thing when it comes to discoverability (from google search) .
  • Then Youtube videos .
  • Havent tested instagram stories and facebook stories as there is a lot of reciprocal following between entities on the same "sector"
  • and you dont reach the quote on quote "would be users" traffic .
  • On ads -paid promotions- you can wait 2-3 months ,come to your products statistics page ,see where (countries cities) your product is bought the most and run a Facebook Ad
    targeting those areas with forex related targeting as well
  • Also , if your product is for MT5 you are featured automatically on Metaquotes twitter page and facebook (if it still happens)
One may also resort to creating the same blog post here on mq every 12 hours thus flooding the mql search .That is not a recommendation though because when mq realises it 
they may start removing products .

Wow thank you very much for the tips!

I didn't even know i could use Facebook Ads this way, i'll try to learn more about it during the next weeks.

For the moment i'll try to promote it on forex forums and communities so people can know about it.

Nope the EA i published is for MT4 only, at least for the moment.

Thank you again mate.



Can i ask why the expert i published on 10 of June doesn't show in the "Last" section of the experts' market? Did i miss something?



I know you want this thread to be on the top of the page so that everybody sees it and everybody will buy your product.

Marco vd Heijden:

I know you want this thread to be on the top of the page so that everybody sees it and everybody will buy your product.

That's not it! I saw there is an expert published on 11 of june and it is listed, i just wanted to know if i did something wrong that caused my expert to not be listed in that "Last" section of the market.