I can't withdraw and support is not responding - page 6

Mika Matias Manty #:

I am now in same situation for 2 weeks and completely puzzled why and what to do

This is REALLY not good practice from the company. As whole process seems random and shady. After asking few times from support I got hint that some of my descriptions are not OK. Did not find anything out of ordinary from those but just in case minimized them and removed all backtest results etc.

If descriptions were the issue how can they ask me initially to just wait ? Could have waited forever I guess... Also after asking twice they did not let me know which product has the issue and what the issue actually is. If there is an issue at minimum I would expect them to write initially on which product it is and what the issue is.

Any other people having this appear now before close of the year ? As I would suspect they want to keep as much money in as they can for the end of year numbers ? Maybe I am paranoid but this does not feel good. Also I would have wanted money end of the year for my taxation. Not fun if MQL5 is the only one benefitting from MY work.

MQL5 Please clarify this process overall. Would be much better for everyone and create more trust.

Happens to seller. 

Thomas Bradley Butler #:

Happens to seller. 

But why? Why cant they perform all checks behind the curtains and block SALES of a seller only if something is found. They absolutely should not prevent withdrawals of already earned profits randomly just in case something would be found in the future.

Mika Matias Manty #:

But why? Why cant they perform all checks behind the curtains and block SALES of a seller only if something is found. They absolutely should not prevent withdrawals of already earned profits randomly just in case something would be found in the future.

extra check, you just have to ride it out for some weeks


Still. What exactly are they checking ? Why cant anyone tell whats going on ? And why do they need to disable withdrawals for that time while still being happy to sell your products and keep all the profits ?

I stopped updating my stuff for now which is bad for those who already bought them. But as I cant access my money I dont want to do free work. Will get back if/when withdrawal is enabled but with caution.

Not to all: Withdraw every often which I now recommend everyone starts doing as you never know when you cant anymore!


My account is again withdrawable. Finally got to know that some sentences in my description were promising too much. Had to reword to not really promise anything. Sort of makes sense now that I got clear info what was the issue. 

Keith Watford #:

Do not double post!

I have deleted your other post.

Contact the service desk

Hello Sir,

I recently received a message stating that additional verification of my account is needed. This message mentioned that it is a standard procedure intended to ensure the security of all MQL5.community members. Currently, I am unable to withdraw funds due to this requirement.

Could you please guide me on how to proceed with this verification process? 

Thank you for your support!

Faiz Anwar #:
Contact the Service Desk.
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Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:
Contact the Service Desk.
I've already raised the issue with the service desk, but I haven't received any response yet. What should I do next?
mql_issue.png  26 kb
Faiz Anwar #:
I've already raised the issue with the service desk, but I haven't received any response yet. What should I do next?

Wait for their reply.

Hello traders. I too am facing this issue. My honest concern is the system has check and balances in place for verification prior. The randomness and unpredictability is what i think is most frustrating. All in all i loved coding here till my money was held. I would recommend more communication on your part. You You have created a great platform to aggregate traders and developers. Please listen to all the people once inconvenienced in this forum. Change is constant. Securing a system should not be a reason for poor communication.