Opening a CChart object in an EA?? How does that work?? Is there more documentation??? - page 2

Marco vd Heijden:

Yes so it's your job to make it work.

There are usually always work arounds but it takes time and effort to make these things work and the real question is if it will be worth the hassle in the end.

For example, you won't see me investing time in anything related to strategy tester, but i will draw complete charts on live feeds even in HTML and Javascript so that i can load them in a browser thereby completely escaping the chart limitations in MetaTrader itself. 

There are always multiple solutions but you have to implement them yourself.
Ok. HOW can I make this work without the source code??? I have tried a work around and digging through the code but everything dead ends with the built in Chart functions and NONE of them work in the debugger. I am not going back to the old school println debugging. That would be retarded.