Subscribers can’t access my signals ?


I am a signal provider and my EA follows FIFO RULES. I have to since I live in the United States and trade with which is a broker that requires fifo rules. Someone tried to subscribe to my signals and got a message saying they can’t Because my signals don’t follow the fifo rules which is not true. I had the developer implement the rules and it follows the rules ?


I am a signal provider and my EA follows FIFO RULES. I have to since I live in the United States and trade with which is a broker that requires fifo rules. Someone tried to subscribe to my signals and got a message saying they can’t Because my signals don’t follow the fifo rules which is not true. I had the developer implement the rules and it follows the rules ?

Your strategy may follow the FIFO rule, but are you sure that your account has been opened as FIFO?

I've opened non FIFO accounts with that broker in the past, so it may worth checking that out.

Look at this post for more info:

Eleni Anna Branou:

Your strategy may follow the FIFO rule, but are you sure that your account has been opened as FIFO?

I've opened non FIFO accounts with that broker in the past, so it may worth checking that out.

Look at this post for more info:

Yes I talked to and they said my account follows fifo rules...
Yes I talked to and they said my account follows fifo rules...

This is an automated message and I don't know if and how can be changed.


Hello I wrote to see if you can help me two days ago I subscribed to a signals the user is tree forest6, they have not done any operation since I subscribed and I communicated with the people who had commented or subscribed to that account and they told me Just as you haven't done an operation in a long time, I wanted to know if you could help me get my money back, thank you. 

kenth espina:

Hello I wrote to see if you can help me two days ago I subscribed to a signals the user is tree forest6, they have not done any operation since I subscribed and I communicated with the people who had commented or subscribed to that account and they told me Just as you haven't done an operation in a long time, I wanted to know if you could help me get my money back, thank you. 

There are two toptions only for the signal:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Refund Signal subscription

Eleni Anna Branou, 2019.01.22 10:19

If you unsubscribe within 24 hours of your initial subscription, you will get an automatic full refund.

and - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Can I refund a signal that i have'nt use yet

Eleni Anna Branou, 2017.03.27 10:43

If you cancel your subscription you will get a refund for the months, that haven't started yet.