Improving MQL editor idea



just saying MetaQuotes  adding editor functionality like Visual studio or android studio to collapse & expand functions, it would make it easier to work with long coding

now its just like reading massive text!

Collapse expand make debugging and working with separate functionality easier w.o messing around rest of the code


like screenshot Collapse Expand

What alternatives code editors or IDE are there?
Fernando Morales:
What alternatives code editors or IDE are there?
I think you can not use anything else charming like MetaEditor, you can use Visual Code as well but it's not much useful as it is required to be.

I only use the Editor for compiling/debugging. I use Notepad2 with code folding.

Others use Notepad++, Emacs, Visual Studio or other IDEs.

William Roeder:

I only use the Editor for compiling/debugging. I use Notepad2 with code folding.

Others use Notepad++, Emacs, Visual Studio or other IDEs.

I tried, but my productivity is higher while using native editor. 

It has a bunch of features that are specific to it. And it's faster pressing f7 for compile from the editor, rather than work on another editor than come back for that one button.

editor window

A couple of things bug me about it though.

1. The extra space around windows as shown above. Large scroll bars.

2. Separate resizing. You have to manually drag both windows to desired width. It'd be cool if the other could resize itself to remaining space

3. Recent change in the search tab that is too big for it's little use.

Otherwise, the editor is MQL specific. And that is a good thing.


cool tnX guys i check them out

thou wish the improvement done internally