position bar by price


Hi guys  is possible return a  position bar  by price ?

example  i have a  highets value of 48 bar , suppose is 0.96366 , exist a method  for  positionbyvalue (0.96366) and  return me .... 5  the fifth bar


Hi guys  is possible return a  position bar  by price ?

example  i have a  highets value of 48 bar , suppose is 0.96366 , exist a method  for  positionbyvalue (0.96366) and  return me .... 5  the fifth bar

Not clear what you are asking.
If you want the bar index of the  highest of n bars use iHighest().


i have a part of  code that return me  a value 

Lowest = MathMin(HighPrice[ArrayMinimum(HighPrice,WHOLE_ARRAY,0)],LowPrice[ArrayMinimum(LowPrice,WHOLE_ARRAY,0)]);

but  i want know  also a position  how is possible>?
