Help with code - Contract Long Name on chart (watermark)


Hi, i was able to find this code kicking around from MinionLabs and was trying to modify it to display the full contract name on the chart - so instead of saying @EP or EPM20 it would say "E-mini SP 500 June 2020".  I think this datapoint may be stored here ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_STRING and SYMBOL_DESCRIPTION.  I've never used MQL (and don't plan on coding any trading strategies) so could someone tell me how to modify this code to replace with long-name? Seems like a pretty straightforward thing to change in this code -- does anyone know how to store the description in a string and then display that string on the chart rather than the Ticker Symbo (which works perfectly -- thanks coder!).

Seems like it would be somewhere under OnInit, but like i said, never used this programming language before.




Line 73

ObjectSetString(  0, _SymbolName, OBJPROP_TEXT, SymbolInfoString(_Symbol, SYMBOL_DESCRIPTION));
Worked perfectly. Thank you for the help