Automated Trading Championship 2011: A New Battle! - page 3


rules should be changed to allow us to use DLL, so we can use neural networks in EA's 

see link please.

Using MetaTrader 5 Indicators with ENCOG Machine Learning Framework for Timeseries Prediction
  • 2011.04.25
  • investeo
This article presents connecting MetaTrader 5 to ENCOG - Advanced Neural Network and Machine Learning Framework. It contains description and implementation of a simple neural network indicator based on a standard technical indicators and an Expert Advisor based on a neural indicator. All source code, compiled binaries, DLLs and an exemplary trained network are attached to the article.

rules should be changed to allow us to use DLL, so we can use neural networks in EA's 

see link please.

DLLs will never ever be used, the main reason likely being DLLs aren't written in MQL by their nature -- as such, it makes no sense for MetaQuotes to pay up prize money to a winning DLL.

A question for the ATC2011 organizers

Should we expect to have our EA backtest and perform a number of trades to be accepted?

If so, we should see problems with


 Chart events are not generated during backtest, as you may know!

It makes sense to have the rule, but restricts capabilities once again for the next competition!


If so, we should see problems with


 Chart events are not generated during backtest, as you may know!

Chart event (in common case) is manual control. What the manual control is possible on the Automated Trading Championship?

OnChartEvent can get custom events from custom indicators and from EA. You can generate custom events programmatically. And these custom events can be processed during backtest


We are discussing all the details of upcoming event (dates, rules, marketing coverage and so on). If you have some suggestions, post them. But please do not forget about argumentation - it will significantly increase the chance of your suggestion approval.


I Hope MetaQuotes can prize the top 6 , may be share the  prize of top 3  , I think these can urging more programmer to join, because it's difficult to get in top 3
I Hope MetaQuotes can prize the top 6 , may be share the  prize of top 3  , I think these can urging more programmer to join, because it's difficult to get in top 3

TOP 3 it's a good tradition.

We need more of the additional prizes.

I Hope MetaQuotes can prize the top 6 , may be share the  prize of top 3  , I think these can urging more programmer to join, because it's difficult to get in top 3

I think it would be good to set some additional prize for NOT doing bad results :

like for : low drawdown, or the less (smalest) negative trade.


DLLs will never ever be used, the main reason likely being DLLs aren't written in MQL by their nature -- as such, it makes no sense for MetaQuotes to pay up prize money to a winning DLL.


Actually, I second the ability to use dlls.  You must still use a ex5/mq5 file to initialize the .dll and it must still work through the platform.  So it may be written in another C++ platform, but must still conform with mt5 to perform functions correctly (and unattended)

I wouldn't want my ex5/mq5 file with all of my code lying around for all to see anyway. That is irresponsible on metatquotes's part. 

Worrying about the dll doing something it shouldn't would be mute point.  If every terminal is put on its own partition/virtual server, then there is no risk of virus or anything harmful.   

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Client Terminal Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Client Terminal Properties - Documentation on MQL5
I think the only way to get a really good competition would be to run it for the whole year and to let people make changes to their EAs during that time. Might be a little too difficult.

I agree.  There should be several a year.  Rolling admissions.  And MetaQuotes could gain more sponsorship by having 4 slots instead of only 1 (if you had rolling admissions every quarter of the year).  It shouldn't take much of a staff to dedicate to just the championship, and it would increase

BTW, i think you should incorporate a VPS/server sponsor to host the EAs.



I wouldn't want my ex5/mq5 file with all of my code lying around for all to see anyway. That is irresponsible on metatquotes's part. 

The above statement is not correct and is false. The organizers are doing everything possible for preventing such situations.

Especially it applies to projects with ex5.


Worrying about the dll doing something it shouldn't would be mute point.  If every terminal is put on its own partition/virtual server, then there is no risk of virus or anything harmful.   

The ban on the use of the librarys Dll's has always been, and remain in the future.

The above statement is not correct and is false. The organizers are doing everything possible for preventing such situations.

Especially it applies to projects with ex5.

The ban on the use of the librarys Dll's has always been, and remain in the future.

So you are saying that decompilation of ex5 is not possible (easy)?  I have not tried, but if it is anything like mt4, then all those sending their ex5 files are in trouble. 

I know .dll disassembly/re-assembly is very difficult regardless of platform.  And you would need specific tools and lots of skill to recover all the functions successfully.