notification for number of trade trigger.

any 1 know how to write a code for send notification for number of trade trigger (eg. I'd like to know when 10th, 15th, 20th trade trigger)

Maybe something like this.

int orderOpenCount = 0;

int OnInit()

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTick()
   if(insert trigger here...) OpenTrade();
   if(orderOpenCount==5) // If counter = 5
      SendNotification(insert parameter here....); //Send notification

void OpenTrade()
   if(OrderSend(insert parameter here....))!=-1) // If there's order opening
      OrderOpenCount++ // Increase The Counter;

hi Simon,

thanks. how to apply the code into the MT4? pardan me.. i am new to MT4 programming.

Simon Anderson Hamonangan:

Maybe something like this.