how to access TERMINAL_DATA_PATH


 i tried to write to TERMINAL_DATA_PATH


TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH)+"My Folder"// not Working 


please help




FolderCreate - File Functions - MQL4 Reference
FolderCreate - File Functions - MQL4 Reference
[in] Flag determining the location of the directory. If common_flag=FILE_COMMON, then the directory is in the shared folder for all client terminals \Terminal\Common\Files. Otherwise, the directory is in a local folder (MQL4\Files or MQL4\Tester\Files in case of testing). For security reasons, work with files is strictly controlled in the MQL4...
Perhaps you should read the manual. You can only create files in the sandbox (MQL4/files) or the common (…/Common/Files) folders. Drop the path, just write the file.
thank you