Strategy Tester just doesnt use updated EA, despite me changing code, saving, re-compiling, etc.?


Hey, I am very new to this whole EA programming.

so sorry if I did something wrong.

Thing is that for test purposes I created an expert advisor that does some trading based on certain conditions (something around higher highs and stuff)

thing is I did the strategy test with the initial parameters (I have some condition in there that depends on a given number (like close price of next candle being X % above the close price of this candle, where x is hardcoded but i changes it manually)
anyways, I iniially tested it after writing it the first time in the strategy tester.

then I changed something in the code, saved, compiled again.
no errors, eferything alright.

ran strategy tester again.

Literally the same results as last time (same profit and everything, which is impossible due to different conditions!)

so i changed it to conditions that literally should trigger no trade at all.

saved, compiled, strategy test again.

same results as the last time again!

so my guess is that the tester jsut saves the very first version of the .ex4 file 8the one right after the first save+compile).
and never updates it, despite me changing the code and therefor the then compiled ex4 again and again.

didnt see something like a refresh button.

closing and reopening MT4 and the editor didnt change anything either.

and I dont really wanna create a new code file each time I make a change, just so the strategy tester uses that new file with the changed code again.

how can I make the strategy tester use the current version of the ex4 file?

cause for me, I can do whatever i want with the code and the tester jsut uses the same bad old version of the file no matter what :-(

how do i force it to reload the current file with it's newest "updates" and changes?

In future please post in the correct section
I will move your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.

If you are changing the default inputs in the code, you will have to reset the properties in the tester. (You do with real-time charts as well.)

Just to be sure:

You changed the same EA you were testing in the strategy tester? When you didn't open MetaEditor from the strategy tester but from the Experts treeview in MT you may have choosen a different EA?

In addition, did you take a look at strategy tester "Journal" tab? This is where you can find possible error messages. If an EA compiles it ius no guarantee that there are no logical errors that cause strategy tester to fail. Compile only checks for syntax errors. But if you e.g. have DIV/0 errors this only will be visible at runtime.

Maybe you can post some additional information, e.g. a screenshot of your strategy tester window or "Journal" tab?