show database calculated line in EA

I have an EA that can connect to a database, run a stored procedure and display the results onto the charts.  But so far I have only been able to display objects such as OBJ_TREND & OBJ_TEXT which only have one or two x/y coordinate values.  I am now trying to get those results into an indicator buffer so that I can display a line on the charts that has x/y coordinates for every bar on the chart.  I researched the iCustom function but that cannot be used in EAs or scripts.  Any suggestions would be appreciated
  1. You already know how to read one or two price/time coordinates from the DB and create a TL/text. Read all of them, convert the time to an index, and put the price in the proper buffer element.
  2. You haven't stated a problem, you stated a want. Show us your attempt (using the CODE button) and state the nature of your problem.
              No free help 2017.04.21
  3. You are reading a DB, not a custom indicator. Why would you even think about iCustom?