signal - page 2

okay, delete my account as a SELLER for me in your system and I will later register again. Do that for me
Eleni Anna Branou:

You either using wrong account credentials (you must use account number, investor password and broker/server) or:

You have connected this account as a signal to in the past and it was placed in archive, so you can't connect it again.

Use another account.

Hi Eleni, using another account,,, do you mean I should open another account and if so, will your system permit that?


Hi Eleni, using another account,,, do you mean I should open another account and if so, will your system permit that?

If this trading account you are trying to connect has been used in the past for publishing a signal, it can't be connected again.

So, use another trading account and connect it as a signal to


Hi Eleni, using another account,,, do you mean I should open another account and if so, will your system permit that?

The other account means: trading Metatrader's (broker's) account (under your same SAAC MENSAH profile).

What you name seller account = your seller profile ( you do not need to delete it). "okay, delete my account as a SELLER" - it is your seller profile, and you do not need to delete it.
And the discussion here is going on related to your trading account.

Trader's profile