Market depth volumes


Are the market depth volumes of my demo account real volumes? and by whom are they transmitted?


Are the market depth volumes of my demo account real volumes? and by whom are they transmitted?

The volume data usually represent the volume of trades executed by the specific broker.

You can ask your broker about their specific demo account.


and a demo metaquotes account so who should I ask?


and a demo metaquotes account so who should I ask?

If its a Metaquotes demo account, I would guess that these volume data are random.

what do you mean by random?
what do you mean by random?

That they don't represent real volume data.

if many purchase orders go through the market depth and the price goes up, I don't think they are random volumes.
if many purchase orders go through the market depth and the price goes up, I don't think they are random volumes.

i think they are broker volumes

if many purchase orders go through the market depth and the price goes up, I don't think they are random volumes.

Nobody opens orders based on Metaqutes demo account volume data.

Marco Montemari:

i think they are broker volumes

Which broker?