Why did my indicators' vertical axes stop being aligned?


Hi there,

I noticed something weird happening when I want to place two indicators on top of each other. In this case below, I have two CCI indicators in the same indicator window but, as you can see on the attached image, their vertical axes are not aligned. For example the level 0 of the slower CCI is somewhere at level 80 of the faster CCI. This clearly makes combining indicators useless, so I have to place all indicators separately now which is far from ideal. 

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Do you have any ideas on how to overcome this? 

Thanks a lot in advance! 

Set both to a fixed scale, say [-150 … +150]
William Roeder:
Set both to a fixed scale, say [-150 … +150]

So obvious, still I haven't thought of it! Thanks a ton, William! :)