Any way to change the input box color?


Hi.  I have been creating and testing a few EAs and sometimes they can be a bit confusing when it comes to inputs.  Sometimes, I accidentally put information into the wrong input.  I figured that changing the appearance of the input boxes would help with this.

How do you change the color of these boxes?

As you know, the entries of the input tab for indicators and EAs will alternate between light grey and white colors, as shown in the example pic I have provided.  Is there any way to change the color of these using metaeditor?

No, but if it really bothers you, create a blank line between input groups or every third line, etc.
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Hi.  I have been creating and testing a few EAs and sometimes they can be a bit confusing when it comes to inputs.  Sometimes, I accidentally put information into the wrong input.  I figured that changing the appearance of the input boxes would help with this.

As you know, the entries of the input tab for indicators and EAs will alternate between light grey and white colors, as shown in the example pic I have provided.  Is there any way to change the color of these using metaeditor?

You can change the parameters directly during execution. For example, like this:

With this approach, it will be more convenient and you will not be limited by any rules, so the implementation of changing the parameters can be anything.