Be Careful Freelance cancel job. Money not come back to customer. - page 2


If fact , I want use this half money to show this source code post on web to show this joke !!!

But I pay the half money didn't get this joke.

I am angry there is no bottom customer can say this ...I only find this forum can taking this.


Are you an staff of Metaquotes ? In fact I want find some bottom to message  Metaquotes  .But I don't find it, so I post this ....

I don't need some guy post Rule of Using the Freelance Service. I have read this. But I think the flow chart should provide form  Metaquotes.( I find some but it's too old, It's different with current process ) 


Why did you choose the developer in Freelance which you did not know?
You did not care who is doing the job in Freelance for you, right?
Seems, you have a lot of momey and time if you selected such a difficult way of implementing Freelance for you ..
And you are complaining now trying to turn your personal risk to the other people, right?
Turning/spreading your personal risk to the other people is illegal.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Be Careful Freelance cancel job. Money not come back to customer. (This process MetaQuotes is helping lie)

Alain Verleyen, 2020.03.26 20:46

Metaquotes is reponsible for the service to work correctly (mainly the arbitration process which is now automatic and probably unmanaged).

But YOU are responsible to pick a good developer. The developer stats are available, arent they?

I can only suggest the following:

  • you can describe your proposal to the MetaQuotes here on the post of this thread (including your personal case) as the ideas to be improved/implemented; and you can send it to the service desk.
  • If the service will not reply so I can create the tick to the service desk using your ideas with the link to this thread.

If you will continue this thread in your way here by spreading all this your story to all of us without service desk involved and without your personal responsibility to be publicly accepted here - I will delete your thread.


For I just use use MQL5 2 month ,don't know many developer they are aviable now and good ..
So I go to freelance directly , more efficiently. It's long time market maybe it's safe than I try to ask some guy in the web I don't know much. 
Thank your suggestion 

I will try to know more guy in market. But I think this will be take 6 months.  Before this I will only put small case or develop by myself.

Not wast money in freelancer market. Or take my time try to use easy TradeStation.

Some people replied to your thread, and most of them are coders, and some of them are participating in Freelance.
The other users are openning the threads and replying and helping the other people on the forum by free coding and so on.

You can go to their profiles (because they are always on the forum) to see (to check) about what they are coding in general, what preferences they have in coding (the coders are having such as specialization: some coder is feeling himself as professional with scalping, and other coder may be professional with some adaptive smoothing indicators, and more).

I am on the forum since 2003 (started with tsd forum which was merged to this mql5 forum). And I am not coder (I am using Freelance as well).
And I am posting this recommendation (about to find the coder on the forum before going to Freelance) since 2003 too on regular basis.
Code profiling - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
Code profiling - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
Profiling means collecting program parameters during its execution. During a profiling, the execution time and the number of calls of individual functions and program code lines are measured. With this tool, the programmer is able to find and optimize the slowest code sections. Profiling can be performed on the normal chart of the trading...
Keith Watford:

It is difficult to understand your post, but it seems that you clicked on the option to pay half.

Doing so will cancel the arbitration and you will pay half.

What are you complaining about? If you didn't want to settle it by paying half, why did you click on it?

You haven't responded to me.

You will have seen this


If you have come to an agreement, please choose an option to complete the order:

Cancel arbitrationCancel jobMoney in halfComplete job

and I can only assume that you clicked on "Money in half" even though you had not come to an agreement with the developer.

So why did you click on "Money in half"?

Why are you complaining as you stopped the arbitration process by doing so!?

Sergey Golubev:
Some people replied to your thread, and most of them are coders, and some of them are participating in Freelance.
The other users are openning the threads and replying and helping the other people on the forum by free coding and so on.

You can go to their profiles (because they are always on the forum) to see (to check) about what they are coding in general, what preferences they have in coding (the coders are having such as specialization: some coder is feeling himself as professional with scalping, and other coder may be professional with some adaptive smoothing indicators, and more).

I am on the forum since 2003 (started with tsd forum which was merged to this mql5 forum). And I am not coder (I am using Freelance as well).
And I am posting this recommendation (about to find the coder on the forum before going to Freelance) since 2003 too on regular basis.

Thinks your response,

I treasure my time. And does programmer / Freelance time is treasure too.
I put money can help to find programmer the range of price. 
Excellent maybe expensive, suitable people mach need time. 
I put case in the market can save the mach time. But put my money in danger.

Thinks you take time to share your experience.  
Please keep this can safe others tuition.

 I find out the Service Disk ,this is not locate at freelance page. But in personal page.

After one week service disk

Still get problem, And they don't think those process get question about it.

 1. freelance cancel the case still get half 

 2. After half money to compromise it, there is no normal process to demo. and Before that the money has transfer to freelance.

Give code or not decide by freelance mood not by contract.  

Be careful put your money to freelance market. It may come back without anything...

It's a sad first time experience. Take 1 week to write spec, one week fix and negotiation with freelance 2 week shout freelancer question.

 The main quest is write everywhere from title to spec ,talk , and example. And freelance still make excuse because SPEC...

And I pay half money. Lost half money ,

lost credit and only thing I can do is give him bad credit.

 If I know those process more ,I will chose to develop by myself.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Little seriousness of the programmers

Sergey Golubev, 2020.03.17 08:53

And I am posting this suggestion all the time on the forum. It is related to the Signals, the Market, and to the Freelance as well - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2020.01.16 06:35

There is one rule which some people follow:
subscribe to the signal or create an order in Freelance or purchase the product from the user/seller/coder/provider you know in person or you know by activity on the forum.

Because if you purchased something so I may ask:
"Do you know the seller in person, or you are familiar with him on this forum?"
If you say: "Not" so it will be very strange case for me ...

Just my optinion.


There are a lot of professional and honest users/coders on the forum, and some of them are very active on this forum helping to the other people and replying on the forum posts/requests.


But if you select "anyone" (any coder which you do not know in person or you do not know him on this forum) so - it is your choice (and we call it as "Russian roulette" in my country).


Always choose the person you know in this forum (who is very active here), and you will have much less problems with anything.
Because "choose the person" - invest to the coder/seller/provider and to his job (invest = pay).

Just my opinion sorry (because I am not a coder, and I am using Freelance as well).


One more time (about your personal responsibility) -

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Be Careful Freelance cancel job. Money not come back to customer.

Sergey Golubev, 2020.03.28 07:03

Why did you choose the developer in Freelance which you did not know?
You did not care who is doing the job in Freelance for you, right?
Seems, you have a lot of momey and time if you selected such a difficult way of implementing Freelance for you ..
And you are complaining now trying to turn your personal risk to the other people, right?
Turning/spreading your personal risk to the other people is illegal.
