help with alerts

please help me add alerts on this code,even time filter if i input 5 i want to only get alerts like this 5,10,15,20,25,30...
PinBar.mq4  32 kb
Optimum Remember i want to only get alerts like this 5,10,15,20,25,30...
What you wrote is unclear.
input int inp_cnt=5;
if( inp_cnt == 5) Alert("5,10,15,20,25,30 …");

If you meant something else, you need to write it down in concrete terms, then and only then can you code it.

William Roeder:
What you wrote is unclear.

If you meant something else, you need to write it down in concrete terms, then and only then can you code it.

like i want the alerts to correspond with bigger time frames when i am on  1m chart 2,if i input 5m the singals should only come at 2:05,2:10,2:15 and if i input 15m,they should come like this 2:15,2:30,2:45 in that particular manner




I purchased teh Fisher transform but it is a blank row on my screen with only the name. No curves?? Can you help?