Switching Currency Pairs


Hi All,

Total newbie to MT5, so I am sure there is an obvious answer that I am missing.

I am looking at my EUR / GBP graph, but I want it to show GBP / EUR, can someone help me out on this?




Hi All,

Total newbie to MT5, so I am sure there is an obvious answer that I am missing.

I am looking at my EUR / GBP graph, but I want it to show GBP / EUR, can someone help me out on this?



There are some standard symbols, used by all brokers and platforms, like EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURGBP etc.

If you want to use/trade with a custom symbol (like GBPEUR as you say), you can create it in MT5 >> View >> Symbols >> Create Custom Symbol (option at the botton of the Symbols window).


Hi Eleni,

Thank you for your response, however, I had already discovered that option.

I had created a custom pair, I tool the EUR / GBP pair as a template and switched all references to EUR and GBP around, but I cannot get a graph to work,

I have a demo account in GBP, so I would like the graphs to show GBP compared to other currencies, rather than the other way around,

Am I expecting too much? Are forex trades conducted differently?

