If i create an EX4. with MQH can it be protected against decompile ? - page 2


Ferhat Mutlu:

So now i created an mqh file. Where he put the source. And i call this mqh file as #include source.mqh .. Then he compiles that one line in mq4 and sends the ex4 file to his clients.

PS: All i am trying to say , Lets say theorically. If they decompile an ex4 that compiled with above 1 line. Can they still see the source code even if they have not access to mqh file ?

You seem to have the wrong idea about include files....

when a program is compiled, whenever the compiler reaches an include statement it imports the code from the include file and treats it as part of the program.

So the compiled ex4 contains all of the main program plus the include file, they become one. Once compiled you can run the program even if you remove the include file from your PC because it is just one program containing everything.

Why wouldn't you want to use the cloud protector? it is probably the best protection you are going to get.

Alain Verleyen #:
Why ? That's your best option, no doubt about that.It will make the ex4 very difficult to analyse, not even talking to decompile.

They can't generate a new ex4 (unless proven otherwise). They can edit it and distribute the modified version.

You are still with your include file :-D ? William and I already said you 2 or 3 times it will change nothing.

Obfuscation as described in this article is better that nothing. But it's weak protection compared to cryptography as used by the Cloud Protector.

So adding an accountID global variable or an Account Number protection code together with the MQL5 cloud protector makes the file very difficult to analyze or break the protection?